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  Gramática: Present simple
Craig likes rice. He doesn’t cook often. He doesn’t cook everyday. Craig makes a mess when he cooks. Reza’s mum is very houseproud. ‘Houseproud’ is a compound adjective. ‘Football’ is a compound noun.
Use the present simple when you talk about habits and states that never change:”Reza is messy”.
You can also use the present simple to talk about the future: When Reza stays at his mum’s house, he’ll be tidy.
You can also use the present simple for timetables: Reza’s flight leaves at 6.30.

     Consulta el Indice completo del Audio 


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  Gramática: Difference between present simple and present continuous
1. The present continuous (present progressive) can be used to talk about things that are happening now:
"Craig and Reza are talking into a microphone." (now).
2. The present continuous can also be used to talk about the future:
"Tomorrow I’m visiting my friend Pedro." (a planned intention)
"I’m going to see my family this weekend." – "I’m travelling to Madrid next week." – "Reza is having soup for his dinner tonight."
3. "Reza’s mum is always shouting at him for being messy." ( something that annoys you, and happens often)

     Consulta el Indice completo del Audio 

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  Gramática: Past simple
Craig had some visitors last week. They came to see the family. They didn’t have time for the beach.
Craig lived in London. Craig’s family came to Spain because his sister wanted to move house. (Use the Past Simple for things that happened in the past. There is no connection to now.)
Use DID to make questions: “Where did you live?” – Craig lived in London. Reza lived in Belfast.
No DID with the verb TO BE: “Where were you born?” – “I was born in London.” – “Were you a happy child?”
No DID with modal verbs like COULD: “Craig couldn’t run fast when he was younger.” – “Reza couldn’t speak Spanish when he lived in Belfast.”

     Consulta el Indice completo del Audio 


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  Gramática: Present Perfect
“What have you done today so far?” – Craig’s had three or four cups of coffee.
“I’ve had breakfast”
“How long have you been working on this video?” (present perfect continuous)
You haven’t finished yet. He has been working on his video for two weeks.
Have you ever been to Disneyland? – No, I haven’t.
Have you been to America? – I have. I’ve been in the state of Maine.
Where have you been to in Spain? – I’ve been to Sevilla. I’ve been to Bilbao.
Craig has seen people carrying lots of things on a bicycle in India.
To regret (arrepentirse) – Craig doesn’t want to talk about things he regrets on the podcast!
Have you ever been to China? No, I haven’t. – I HAVE!
Have you ever tried my mum’s scones? Yes, I have!
Have you ever ridden a camel? – I HAVE!
to go over = repasar

     Consulta el Indice completo del Audio 

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
41 42 43 44 45          

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