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Gramática: The passive – Is it the same as the passive in Spanish?

When do we use it in English?
Craig tests Reza on the passive:
Every year Valencian people make fallas – Every year fallas are made (by Valencian people)
Present Continuous are making – Fallas are being made
Future (will) will make – Fallas will be made
Future (going to) – people are going to eat – A lot of churros and chocolate are going to be eaten.
Past Simple People sold lots of churros – Lots of churros were sold.
Past Continuous – People were selling petardos last year – Firecrackers were being sold in the street.
Future Perfect – People will have removed the Fallas from the streets – The fallas will have been removed.
Past Perfect – We had recorded this podcast before Fallas started – Craig’s pleased that the podcast had been recorded before Fallas started.

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Example: I have been to Rome. Have you been to Rome?
Reza hasn’t been to Rome. Bea has been to Rome.

Differences in use: preterito perfecto and present perfect

XI’ve said (before) that I teach EnglishX – He dicho que soy professor
XWhat has she said?X – “What did she say.”
I said before that I teach Spanish.
Craig has many ‘ingrained errors’ when he speaks Spanish (los errores adquiridos).
Bea is going to take it into account and correct his Spanish in the future. (take it into account = tener en cuenta)
Ha llegado hace un rato. – She arrived a little while ago. (ago almost always goes together with the past simple tense).
Cuando lo he visto no he podido creerlo. – When I saw it I couldn’t believe it.
Bea says, “TRY NOT TO TRANSLATE from Spanish to English. ”

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  Gramática: Me neither, me too / neither do I / so do I.

Me too:

Reza: Do you like biscuits (galletas)?
Craig: Oh yes, I love biscuits!
Reza: Me too (yo también)

Reza: Craig, do you like the colour pink?
Craig: Not really. It’s not my favourite colour. No, I don’t like pink.
Reza: Me neither (yo tampoco)

Reza: HAVE you ever visited Dublin?
Craig: Yes, I HAVE.
Reza: So HAVE I. (Repeat the auxiliary verb)

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  Gramática: Question tags

You were born in Belfast, weren’t you? (repeat the auxiliary verb. If the auxiliary verb is negative, the question tag is positive, and if the auxiliary verb is positive, the question tag is negative.
You don’t speak Italian, do you?
You haven’t been to Disneyland, have you? – No, I haven’t.
You weren’t born in Dublin, were you? – No, I wasn’t.
Reza, you like fish, don’t you?
You don’t like raw eggs (huevos crudos), do you?
Nice day today, isn’t it?
Let’s have a cup of tea, shall we?

Use questions tags for: expressing surprise, confirming information, starting conversations and making suggestions.

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