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  Gramática: El 'past simple' y el 'present perfect'
I’ve been to Bilbao (present perfect) – Cuando hablas de tu vida hasta ahora.
When did you go? (past simple) – Para hablar de las cosas en el pasado. – Craig went to Bilbao four or five years ago. (past simple)
Have you been to Cuba? (present perfect)
Reza went to Cuba in April. (past simple) La expresión del tiempo AGO se emplea con el past simple.
Have you eaten anything today? (today hasn’t finished yet – present perfect)
When did you have breakfast? (a specific time in the past – past simple)
Job interviews: Have you ever worked for a multi-national company? (present perfect)
When did you work there? (past simple)
How long have you been living in Valencia? (present perfect continuous)
I came here 17 years ago (past simple) I came in 1997 (past simple) – I’ve been living here SINCE 1997. (present perfect)

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  Gramática: Used to / be used to / get used to
Craig used to live in London. he used to go out with friends, he used to drink a lot of beer. He used to go to record shops and book shops. He used to buy clothes. He used to watch a lot of TV in the UK. He used to watch Mickey Mouse cartoons!
Now in Valencia, he usually goes to the gym. He usually does some work on Sundays.
– Use ‘used to’ for things in the past that are not true today.
– Use the adverb of frequency ‘usually’ for present habits.
It was difficult for Craig to get used to going out late at weekends. But now he‘s used to eating late.
Reza is getting used to his first smart phone.
Pronunciación: /j/
Jazz, June, January / to jump (saltar) Jumping Jack Flash / judge / Not only with the letter ‘j’, but sometimes with the letter ‘g’ as in general / giant / gym and Jim (the name) etc. compare to /je/ vision – television, pleasure, leisure.

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  Gramática: Can / can’t
Can I ask you a question?
You can speak Spanish. Reza can speak a bit of Valencian.
Can you play any musical instruments? – Yes, I can.
Can, like could, should, would, may etc son modal verbs (verbos modales).
El can se puede emplear para hablar de la habilidad y también para pedir las cosas “Can I have….?)
Can I have a biscuit? Can I have a cup ñof tea? Can I help you?
John can be quite cold sometimes. (possibility)
It can be wet in Valncia sometimes. (possibility)
This postcard can’t be from Bob. (impossibility)

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  Gramática: Could and couldn’t
I could swim when I was young. (habilidad en el pasado) – podía nadar
Tomorrow we could swim in the sea. (condicional) – podríamos nadar
Craig can’t play a musical instrument (now)
Craig couldn’t play a musical instrument when he was younger (past)
Craig, could / can I ask you a question? (permission)
We could go for a beer after this podcast.

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