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IELTS is the International English Language Testing System A collaboration between the British Council (the UK govt.’s cultural body and most important English language teaching org.);
IDP: IELTS Australia (Australian universities and recruitment/employment agency); Cambridge English Language Assessment.

Test overview
In IELTS, there are four papers: Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking. There are two different IELTS modules: Academic and General Training.
The Speaking and Listening tests are the same in both modules, but the Reading and Writing tests are different.

Academic module
Choose this if you wish to study at undergraduate or postgraduate levels, or if you are seeking professional registration, e.g. doctors and nurses.

General Training module
Choose this if you wish to migrate to an English-speaking country, (e.g. Australia, Canada, New Zealand, UK, or also USA) or if you wish to train or study at below degree level.



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Telephone English

Reza and Craig agree that speaking on the phone in a foreign language is one of most difficult things to do. You can’t see the other person, so you have no body language, hand gestures or facial communication.


To dial = marcar
To put (s.o.) through = pasar/poner a alguien
“Don’t put any calls through for the next hour” – No pases ninguna llamada en la próxima hora
“I’m putting you through now.” – Ahora le paso (or pongo)
To hold (the line) = esperar (¡no cuelgue!) old phone
To hang up = colgar
To give (s.o.) a ring/call = llamar a alguien
To phone/call (s.o.) back = volver a llamar (a alguien)
The line’s busy/engaged = está comunicando
Leave/take a message = dejar/tomar un recado
ring tone – tono de llamada


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Vocabulary: Urban living

Where people live:

flat (UK) / Apartment (US) – a block of flats / an apartment block
terraced / semi-detached (a semi) / detached
a penthouse
a condo = condominium (US) – bloque de apartamentos
a bungalow
a farmhouse
a cottage – casita de campo, cabaña
a mansion
a villa – Mediterranean
a tent
a caravan
a mobile home
a council house / a council estate



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Come = venir / go = ir. Come is also llegar (arrive) What time are they coming? – ¿A qué hora llegan?

‘Come ‘ is used with ‘here’. – “I’m waiting in my house for Paul. I wonder what time he’s going to come (here)?”

“How did you come to be an accountant?” – ¿Cómo llegaste a ser un contable? Reza, how did you come to be a teacher?

“Go” can mean ‘become’ when It’s used with an adjective – “I think I’m going crazy.” – “Creo que me estoy volviendo loco.”

Could is related to Can. Could is the past of can and the conditional. You also used the following examples:

I could see him = Yo podía verlo (for the past)

I could see him = Yo podría verlo (for the conditional)


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