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I have a question, why do some expressions and verbs use ‘up’ at the end. I don’t know when to use it.
Example: shut up, built up, meet up, drive up, come up, etc… I hope can help me. Thanks again… Regards (Fallo)

Completion/termination: eat up and drink up, use up, wash up, Shut up! – “I ended up doing all the work”

Increase: the price has gone up, they’ve put up the price, turn up the music, please speak up, I need to pump up the tyres on my car. (to pump up = inflar, hinchar), (to hype up = exagerar, dar bombo a)
Emergence: to pop up, something’s popped up on my screen, I can’t meet you. Something’s come up, What’s up with you?
Construction, composition: we’ve built up a good relationship with our advertisers, water is made up of hydrogen and oxygen, (to make up = maquillarse, reconciliarse), the council are putting up a new bridge.
“put up or shut up!” – Do something or don’t speak


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Listener Feedback:

What’s the difference between ‘another’ / ‘an other’ (in two words)

another + singular noun “Welcome to another episode.”
“Another” is usually written as one single word and not separated.

other + plural noun “Are there other beers?”
others (a pronoun to replace other + plural noun) “I don’t like this beer, are there others?”
I need another table. (chair is singular so we use another)
I need other chairs. (chairs is plural so we use other) – “There is the love of a good woman, and there is other love.” (Use ‘other’ with uncountable nouns. ‘Love’ is uncountable.)
I need others. (refers to other chairs)
Not that shirt, the other one. – Esa camisa no, la otra. – ‘other’ can be used to replace a noun.

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The three of us are going to help you understand phrasal verbs.

We spoke about phrasal verbs in episodes 3 to 23

put up with = tolerar. aguantar
fed up = harto
fall out = pelearse, reñir, discutir

What is a phrasal verb and why do we need them?
Is there a room of professors sitting in Oxford and Cambridge inventing ways to make English more difficult that it already is?
Phrasal verbs are very common in informal, spoken English.
The correct use of phrasal verbs makes a person sound more like a native speaker of English.
A phrasal verb is a combination of a verb and preposition, a verb and an adverb, or a verb with both an adverb and a preposition.
Phrasal verbs are verbs with particles. A phrasal verb uses an adverb. You can identify a phrasal verb by the position of the object.


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but, even though/although, however, in spite of/despite, on the one hand…., but on the other hand
We spoke about some of these linking words, connectors in podcast 32
Craig’s on a diet/he can’t lose weight – (use BUT)
Craig’s on a diet but he can’t lose weight. – but = pero

Even though Craig’s on a diet, he can’t lose weight. – even though/although = aunque

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