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Air Travel
Air Travel vocabulary
Airfare (bus fare, train fare, taxi fare etc)
To check in (aisle seat/window seat) – Fly – flight (domestic/international
– short/long haul)
fly – flew – flown (to fly – verb / fly – noun = mosca/bragueta) “I have
an open flight” – vuelo abierto)
Red-eye flight – early morning/night flight
Boarding pass
Economy/Business/First class
In-flight service
Excess baggage
Luggage allowance
Hand luggage (carry-on)
On board
Turbulence – turbulencia
Overhead locker
To Take off – to land / a take-off – a landing
Cabin crew – steward(ess)/ air hostess/ flight attendant
purser – auxiliar de vuelo
Cockpit = Flight deck
Flight crew – captain/ first officer/ second officer
Ground staff – check-in staff/ baggage handler/ maintenance staff

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Extreme sports
Definition (Wikipedia): Extreme sports (also called action sports and
adventure sports) is a popular term for certain activities perceived as
having a high level of inherent danger.
These activities often involve speed, height, a high level of physical
exertion, and highly specialized gear.
bungee jumping
hang gliding
base jumping
ice climbing
rock climbing
Kite boarding/surfing
sky surfing

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In this episode we’re going to help you
improve the way you attend customers and clients in English
to register – hacer un alta
to cancel (your) registration – darse de baja
account number – número de cuenta
to put down a deposit / to pay a deposit – dejar dinero en depósito
How can I help you? – ¿Cómo puedo ayudarle?
What seems to be the problem? – ¿Qué problema está teniendo?
What happened exactly? – ¿Qué sucedió exactamente?
I can solve that problem. – Puedo resolver ese problema.
I don’t know, but I will find out. – No lo sé, pero lo averiguaré.
How would you like to pay? – ¿Cómo le gustaría pagar?
Will you be paying by credit card? – ¿Va a pagar con tarjeta de crédito?
May I see some identification? – ¿Puedo ver alguna identificación?
I’m sorry, do you have another card? – ¿Tiene otra tarjeta?
I’m afraid it hasn’t been accepted – Me temo que no ha sido aceptada
You may hear:
May I speak to your supervisor? – ¿Podría hablar con su supervisor/a?
I’d like to speak to the person in charge, please. – Me gustaría hablar
con la persona a cargo.
I’d like to make a complaint. I’d like to complain.
Is there anything else I can help you with?

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In this episode we’re going to help you
ask for, give and understand directions
Do you know where the nearest petrol station is?
Can you tell me how to get to the post office, please?
Could you tell me where the town hall is, please?
Do you know where the nearest petrol station is?
Do you know where I might find a cash machine/an ATM?
Excuse me, I’m looking for a bank.
Are you from around here? Do you live here?
Would you mind telling me the way to the police station?
Do/Would you happen to know where the nearest book shop is?
Can you direct me to the hospital, please?
Do you know anywhere around/near here that sells batteries?
Is this the way to the city centre?
Excuse me, is there a bus stop nearby?
Giving directions
The easiest way is to…
The quickest way is to…
The best way is to…
If I were you, I’d…
It depends on whether you’re going by car/driving or on foot/walking
You’ll probably hear
Turn left/right (take a left/right) = girar/torcer/doblar a la
Go straight ahead = sigue hacia adelante/recto/todo seguido (drive
straight ahead, walk straight ahead)
Go straight, go left, go right, go through
go up, go down, go along this street = ir por ésta calle
It’s on your left/right (on your left/right hand side) = está a su
It’s on the corner = está en la esquina
It’s opposite the station = está frente a la estación
Stay on + road/street name for + distance or time
Go over the lights/bridge = pase el semáforo/el puente
Go past the park = pase el parque
Take the first/second on the right/left = tome la primera/segunda a la
Keep going = continúe, siga