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In this episode: Congratulations on
100 episodes of Aprender Inglés con Reza y Craig and let’s open the
Also, how to pass the FCE speaking exam, the word LAST and the
difference the prepositions between OF and FOR
Listener feedback from Mamen who passed her speaking test
Listener Feedback: Sergio
My name is Sergio. It is not my first time writing to you.
I listen to your podcast everyday and I have listened some podcasts
about the FCE Exam, and I would like to know which is the ‘required’ (or
minimum) level to pass the exam.
I mean, I have studied English for many years, and I use it very often
at my work. Perhaps, I should try to improve my vocabulary in general,
but I think I can follow a normal conversation with a native speaker.
I have listened to some podcasts, as I said before, about some of your
students doing a FCE speaking exam, and I would like to know if they
could pass the exam.
Could you tell me a podcast number/episode in which I could listen to a
person who ‘pass’ (has passed) the exam, please?
Bea and Tatania speaking test: PassFCE episode 14
Audio feedback from Nadia from Morocco who has improved her English and
can now communicate much better with her clients.
Audio feedback from Elisa from Finland
Feedback from Marga Arroyas
Hola Reza and Craig,
This is my first mail to any of you and….
I could tell you how wonderful you are… I could tell you how nice it is
listening to you and how much I learn when doing it… I could tell you
I´ve downloaded all your podcasts…
I could tell you I listen to them as much as possible (when cooking,
driving or even sleeping)… I could tell you you are the best English
teachers I´ve ever had…
I could tell you how English has helped me in my life… I could, I could,
but I won´t…

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Cars and driving
driving license (driver’s license US) – to take/pass a driving test
brake, handbrake, clutch – embrague, accelerator, gas pedal (US), baby
seat, seatbelt, boot (UK) / trunk (US), bonnet (UK) / hood (US), steering
Wheel – volante,
windscreen (UK) / windshield (US), rear window, rear-view mirror, wing
mirror, number plate (UK) / license plate (US), jack – gato, puncture –
pinchazo, tyre (UK) / tire (US) – neumático, airbags, GPS (Global
Positioning System), bumper (UK) / fender (US) – parachoques / paragolpes, to reverse – dar marcha atrás, to put it in gear, gears, stick shift (US)
– cambio manual, exhaust (pipe) – tubo de escape, (spare) tyre,
headlights – faros, indicator – intermitente, car horn / hooter – claxon
To double park
To give someone a lift / ride
to run someone to the station / To run someone over
Back seat driver
To put the peddle to the metal – to put your foot down – to step on the
gas – to sink the boot – to give it some wellie

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Nuclear family – A nuclear family or elementary family is a family group
consisting of a pair of adults and their children.
This is in contrast to a single-parent family, to the larger extended
family, and to a family with more than two parents.
Modern family – When my parents were married, the ideal family consisted
of a mother, father, two kids and a house in the suburbs.
The traditional family unit has evolved with extended families, single
parents, gay parents, adoption and no children.
Jet setter – The definition of a jet setter is a person who travels
frequently – Someone in high society with a glamorous life.
An example of a jet setter is someone who flies off to Paris to shop.
Millennials – Millennials (also known as the Millennial Generation or
Generation Y) follow Generation X.
There are no precise dates for when the generation starts and ends; most
researchers and commentators use birth years ranging from the early
1980s to around 2000.
Generation X – commonly abbreviated to Gen X, is the generation born
after the Western Post–World War II baby boom.
Most demographers and commentators use birth dates ranging from the
early 1960s to the early 1980s.
Yuppies – A yuppie – short for “young urban professional” or “young
upwardly-mobile professional”) is defined by one source as being “a
young college-educated adult who has a job that pays a lot of money and
who lives and works in or near a large city”.
This acronym first came into use in the early 1980s.

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dubbed – doblado
nurse – enfermera
surgeon – cirujano
judge – juez, juzgar
patient – paciente
lively – animado/a, alegre
sociable – sociable
beard – barba
moustache – bigote
chemist – farmacia, farmacéutico/a , chemistry – química
butcher – carnicero/a
weird – raro/a, extraño/a (That’s weird! – ¡Qué raro!) ‘He’s a wierdo’
mechanic – mecánico
cough – tos, toser
headache – dolor de cabeza
drought – sequía (flood – inundación )
hitch hiking – autostop, a dedo
Urban slang
Chillax – calm down and relax (chill + relax)
Selfie – a picture one takes of herself or himself, usually with a
camera phone, and often with the purpose of uploading it to social media
to freak out – to be in a heightened emotional state, such as that of
fear, anger, or excitement
A crapella — singing (badly) while listening to music through headphones