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I doubt if we can help her. Why are you hesitating?
Doubt = dudar “I doubt if we’ll be making a special Christmas podcast this year.”
“I doubt that I’ll be eating turkey on Christmas day.”
“Did you have doubts about the consistency of this podcast when we first started?”

To doubt means to lack confidence in something; to disbelieve, question, or suspect.
To hesitate means to stop or pause before making a decision or doing something.
(dudar , vacilar)

Expressions with doubt
there is some doubt about it = sobre esto existen dudas
beyond doubt = fuera de duda
beyond all reasonable doubt = más allá de toda duda
to cast doubt on = poner en duda
to clear up sb’s doubts = sacar a algn de dudas
to have one’s doubts about sth = tener sus dudas acerca de algo
no doubt! = ¡sin duda!
to throw doubt on = poner en duda
without (a) doubt = sin duda (alguna)



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What Are Adverbial Clauses?
“An adverbial clause is a group of words which does what an adverb does.”

Adverbial clauses (like all clauses) contain a subject and a verb. For example:

“I eat dark chocolate daily.”
(normal adverb)

“I’m going to eat dark chocolate until you tell me to stop.”
(adverbial clause = “until you tell me to stop”)

More examples:
I never knew how wonderful life could be until I started podcasting.

I’ll let you know as soon as I publish this episode.

Now that we’ve eaten, we can have some of that chocolate cake.

Adverbial clauses don’t have to speak about time. They can also be about contrast, cause and effect, condition etc.

Contrast: I had some chocolate cake even though I was full. (even though = aunque)

Cause and effect: I’ve put on weight this month because I’ve been eating so much cake.

Condition: I’m not going to Disneyland unless you come with me. (unless = a menos que, a no ser que)


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Are the following positive or negative feelings?

Anxious – ansioso/a
Ashamed – avergonzado/a – “Craig is ashamed of his level of Spanish.”
Astonished (amazed, surprised) – asombrado – “We are astonished at the number of listeners we have.”
Awful (horrible, terrible) – espantoso/a
Bored (uninterested) – aburrido/a
Concerned (worried) – preocupado/a
Confused – confundido
Contented (satisfied) – contento/a, satisfecho/a
Disappointed – decepcionado, desilusionado
Ecstatic (very, very happy, joyful) – estático/a
Embarrassed (self-conscious) – avergonzado/a
Excited – entusiasmado/a
Furious (very, very angry) – furioso/a
Guilty – culpable
Hopeful (optimistic) – optimista
Inadequate (insufficient) – deficiente, inapropiado/a, inadecuado/a
Inferior – inferior
Insecure – inseguro/a
Irritated – irritado, enojado/a



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Let’s bust some cultural myths! Stereotypes and cultural myths

1. Everyone in England speaks with either a London Cockney accent or posh like the Queen.

2. We’re always drinking tea. India, Turkey, China and Ireland drink more (per head of population).
Brits drink almost as much coffee as tea. “Come round for tea” = come to our house for the evening meal.

3. We all know Sean Connery, Mick Jagger, David Beckham and The Queen personally.

4. Everyone lives in London or in houses like Downtown Abbey.

5. The food is terrible! Britain has four restaurants that have a 3 michelin stars and has the 4th, 5th and 9th best restaurant in the world, according to Trip Advisor Gordon Ramsey, Jamie Oliver, Heston Blumenthal

6. It’s always raining (Britain is number 46th in a list of worldwide average rainfall, this is above countries such as New Zealand (29th) and even the USA (25th)).
It drizzles a lot in the UK.
Brits speak about the weather a lot and it’s also common to see rain and bad weather in British art. Winters are longer than summer in the UK.
Do the British always carry umbrellas?

7. All Brits have bad teeth – a study by the OECD, published in The Economist, shows that Brits have some of the healthiest teeth in the world.

8. British people hate Europeans and North Americans.

9. The British are very reserved and unfriendly.

10 We drink warm beer.

11. The English sometimes confuse “British” with “English”, as do non-British people


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