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With SUGGEST (proponer/sugerir) we can say:

I suggest (that) he listens to our podcast.
I suggest (that) he listen to our podcast (no 3rd person singular “s” = subjunctive – more common in formal American English)
I suggested listening to our podcast

There are 2 more formal and less common constructions that may be tested in an advanced exam:
I suggested him/Paul listening to our podcast
I suggested Paul’s/his (possessive=very formal) listening to our podcast

With RECOMMEND (aconsejar, recomendar) we can say:

I recommended him to listen to our podcast. (XYou can’t say “I suggested him to listen….X)
I recommended (that) he listen/listens to our podcast.
I recommended (him/his/Paul/Paul’s) listening to our podcast
I recommended that he should listen to our podcast

I recommend hiring a builder to do up your flat rather than trying to do it up yourself.
I suggest you get a few quotes and compare prices before you make a choice.



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How can you tell good stories in English? how-to-tell-a-story-in-english

We often use the narrative tenses to tell stories:
Past simple – -ed endings on regular verbs Episode 60 and irregular verbs Episode 73

We can use the past simple to talk about events that happened in chronological order:
I parked the car, got out, crossed the road and suddenly the bike hit me.

Past continuous – Episode 88

Use the past continuous to describe activities in progress at the time of your story, or to describe the background.

“When I left my flat the sun was shinning, the birds were singing, people were walking to work and having breakfast outside cafes.”

NB. The length of time of the action is irrelevant as regards choosing between Past Simple and Past Continuous:
“I lived (Past simple) in Salamanca for 2 years”
They are only used for contrast of background and main verbs:
“When I was living (Past continuous) in Salamanca, I met (Past simple) my friend Lara.”

Sometimes, we change past continuous to the present continuous when we’re telling a story:

“I was waiting in McDonalds for my Big Mac and my children were playing outside when suddenly….”
“So, I’m waiting in McDonalds for my Big Mac and the kids are playing outside, when suddenly…”


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Compound Nouns compound nouns

A compound noun is a noun that is made with two or more words, often nouns but not always, noun + noun or adjective + noun

noun + noun: bus stop, football, table leg (we don’t say X’a table’s leg’X or X’the leg of the table’X, coffee beans, love story, record player.

(You can also have 2 nouns with an apostrophe + s on the first noun, though these aren’t compound nouns: My brother’s phone, the teacher’s shirt, Craig’s chocolate, Reza’s obsessions.

adjective + noun: whiteboard, software, greyhound.

There are 3 ways of writing compound nouns. Dictionaries don’t always agree

1. separate – full moon, car bomb, video recorder, football stadium (which contains the compound noun “football” within the compound noun!)

2. together – classroom, toothpaste, lighthouse, laptop, tearaway

3. with a hyphen (guión) – check-in, six-pack, water-bottle, carry-on

If you take a phrasal verb and make it a compound noun, generally speaking it has a hyphen.
Compound nouns tend to have more stress on the first word. – classroom, football, table tennis



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Johan Vega Chaverri send us a voice message about the prepositions out, up, of and off

There are many different uses and this is a difficult area to explain. There aren’t any rules and you need to learn the collocations of these prepositions with verbs, nouns, adjectives etc.
Here are some common uses:

go out – Reza didn’t go out last night, he stayed in.
walk out (the room, the door)
fall out (with)
to be out – He/she’s out (He/she’s not here)
I’m out of milk, biscuits (I don’t have any)

Out it often used with ‘of’
out of touch
out of town
out of the way
out of bounds (fuera del límite)
out of date
out of sight (“out of sight, out of mind”)
out of touch


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