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Grammar: Even though, Even when, Even so, Even if

What is the difference between…

Even though
Even when
Even so
Even if

Most of them it sounds to me like the Spanish ( aunque…) … but how can I distinguish them to use them correctly?
Let’s start with ‘Even so’ which is similar to ‘nevertheless’, ‘however’ or ‘but’ (aun así)
I’ve got a Kindle app on my iPad and love it. EVEN SO, I still read a lot of paperback books.

“Even so” is used when there’s a surprising or unexpected result.


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Grammar: Uses of the impersonal pronoun ‘it’

It’s a lovely day, isn’t it? – ‘It’ is ‘the day’.
In English, verbs need a subject. In this example we use the verb “to be” – IS, so we need the subject pronoun ‘it’ = ‘It’s a lovely day’ (IT IS a lovely day)
“It’s sunny” (it = the weather)
It’s snowing, it’s raining,
“It’s a good thing you’ve come.”
“It was lovely to see you yesterday.” / “it was lovely seeing you yesterday.” or “Seeing you yesterday was lovely.”
“It is nearly always sunny in Valencia.”

‘It’ can be used as a subject to an impersonal verb.
‘What time is it?’ – ‘It’s 2.’
“It was a surprise that we met last week.” – ‘IT’ is the surprise.

The pronoun “it” is used as a ‘provisional’ subject, when the real subject is an infinitive or a gerund.
It’s difficult to live with her. (to live with her is not easy)
It’s great fun recording these podcasts (recording these podcasts is great fun)

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In this episode, we speak about indirect questions and we hear a travel story from our special guest Nicola.
What are indirect questions and when do we use them?
We use indirect questions to be more polite, to be more formal and impersonal. When you want to ask difficult, personal and sensitive questions.
Indirect questions are also used in formal emails.

How old are you? (direct question)
Would you mind me asking how old you are? (indirect question)
Indirect questions have the same word order as a statement (una afirmación)
Would you mind telling me how old you are? (indirect question) – Word order: “HOW OLD YOU ARE” (direct question: “How old are you?”)


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Grammar: Prepositions at the end of questions

In conversations, it’s quite common to ask a short question that has a preposition at the end. For example, (Reza, ask me what I’m doing)

A: What are you doing?
B: I’m thinking.
A: What about?

A: Are you going out tonight?
B: It depends.
A: What on?

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