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Grammar: Either and Neither

Either usually means there is choice between two possibilities:
You can have either vodka or whisky.
Either we leave now, or we miss the last train.
Neither…… nor is used in a negative way when you want to say that two or more things are not true:
Neither Craig nor Reza speak Chinese.
“neither” can be used as an adverb:
Reza can’t speak Chinese. Neither can I. (tampoco) / I can’t either.
Reza can’t speak Chinese, nor can Craig.
I’d like to visit Mexico and Brazil. Either country could be interesting. (Cualquier país podría ser interesante.)
Neither shirt really suits you. (Ningúna camisa realmente te queda bien.)
“None of the shirts suit you.” (for a choice of 3 or more)


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Grammar: Adverbs of Frequency

siempre – always
casi siempre – almost always
normalmente – usually, normally
a menudo – often
a veces – sometimes
raramente – rarely
casi nunca – hardly ever
nunca – never

We usually put adverbs of frequency BEFORE the main verb (antes del verbo principal): “I usually get up at 8.” – Usualmente me levanto a las 8.
This is also true if there is an auxiliary verb: “I have often thought of emigrating.” – He pensado muchas veces en emigrar.
But, we put adverbs of frequency AFTER the verb TO BE: (después del verbo “to be”): “Reza is never late” – Reza nunca llega tarde. (Reza is occasionally late – occasionally = ocasionalmente)
Sometimes, adverbs of frequency can be put at the beginning or at the end (en posición final o inicial): “Normally, I get up at 8.” – “I get up at 8, normally.”

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Vocabulary: Job Interview questions

You never know what they are going to ask you, but you can prepare some things before the interview.
Tell me about yourself? – Often comes at the beginning and could really affect the interview.
Focus on things that will be of benefit to the company or person who is interviewing you (Which is better?
“I play basketball” or “I’ve just finished an advanced computer skills course”? / “I have two children” or “I enjoy talking to people and I’m a problem solver, for these reasons I’d love to work in customer services”?
Prepare a script that includes the information you want to say. Begin by talking about past work experiences and successes, Practise before the interview, but don’t learn it word for word. It should sound conversational.
Why would you like to work here? – you need to do research – Don’t say “Because it’s close to my house!”
Company’s reputation
Admiration of products/services
Company awards
Company management philosophy and values
Company positioning in market
Company growth/success

How to pass a job interview in EnglishHow to pass a job interview in English.
Este producto le ayudará a preparar su entrevista de trabajo en inglés, tanto si la misma es presencial o se realiza a través de Skype u otro medio.


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Vocabulary: Word Formation

What are prefixes and what are suffixes?

Examples of prefixes: un- in- mis-
Prefixes change the meaning of a word (believable + un = unbelievable)
Examples of suffixes: -tion -ly -ment
Suffixes change the word class (govern + -ment = governnment)
Prefixes (adjectives)
happy + un = unhappy
decent + in = indecent
legal + il = illegal
relevant + ir = irrelevant
understood + mis = misunderstood
satisfied + dis = dissatisfied
possible + im = impossible
Suffixes (changing adjectives to nouns)
happy – happiness / unhappiness
decent – decency
illegal – illegality
irrelevant – irrelevancy / irrelevance
understood – understanding
misunderstood – misunderstanding
dissatisfied – dissatisfaction
possible – possibility
impossible – impossibility
Sometimes there are other word changes:
adjective – noun
long – length
wide – width
high – height
deep – depth

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