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The Top Ten Things To Do In London

1. Take the Tour bus Hop-on, Hop-off!
1 day 28 euros
bus + boat combo 38 euros
guide in different languages
9am – 5.30pm (summer)
2. Have lunch in a London Pub
The 10 best London pubs for food
Sunday roasts – lunch not dinner
Around 7,000 pubs in the London area try real ale. Pay for the drinks at
the bar. Buy rounds. It’s not custonmary to tip the barstaff
3. Have a picnic in Hyde Park
Not far from Buckingham Palace (Tube: Hyde Park Corner)
You can visit the state rooms in Buckingham palace.
Hyde Park Corner (Piccadilly line)
Knightsbridge (Piccadilly line)
Queensway (Central line)
Lancaster Gate (Central line)
Marble Arch (Central line)
Speaker’s corner and The Serpentine lake
Also Green Park (Green Park Tube) Have tea at the Ritz!
St.James’s Park: (St James’s Park Tube / Westminster) – Prettiest Park
Kensington gardens (next to Hyde Park): (High Street Kensington Tube)
Regent’s Park – famous for roses and landscaping. Originally Henry
Vlll’s hunting grounds: Baker Street / Great Portland Street Tube

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Civil Engineering
Listener Feedback: Audio Feedback – Mamen
Listener Feedback: Alfredo – Should we go to Italy and teach English?
Only if there’s homemade Italian food!
I’m Pablo, a civil engineer who has moved to UK last January.
I usually hear (listen to) all ours (your) podcast (your podcasts), and
I think that it is a big help in order to improve my listening and
In (At) this moment, I am looking for a job as (an) engineer in
Cambridge or around (in/around Cambridge).
If you accept some ideas for podcast, I would like that you talk (I
would like you to talk) some day about engineering.
Perhaps, this topic is not too general in terms of vocabulary but is
only an idea!! haha!
I think you are doing a very good job with the podcasts, I hope to
continue hearing it (listening to them)!
Thank you for your time.
Definition: Civil engineering is a professional engineering discipline
that deals with the design, construction, and maintenance of the
physical and naturally built environment,
including works like roads, bridges, canals, dams and buildings.

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In this episode we’re going to help you
communicate more effectively when you go to the doctor.
To make an appointment – ‘I’d like to make an appointment to see
boil – forúnculo, furúnculo – inflamed, red, tender, wound weeping puss
(to weep – llorar, supurar)
Words to describe pain
Adjectives: painful, sore, aching, agonizing
Verb phrases: It hurts, It’s killing me, It stings, It aches, It smarts
Aches and pains collocations: acute pain, gripping pain, severe pain,
agonizing pain, chronic pain, crippling pain, burning pain, stabbing
pain (to stab – apuñalar) sharp pain,
dull pain, shooting pain, stinging pain, throbbing pain, unbearable pain,
dull ache, nagging ache/pain, stomachache, backache, headache, bellyache
surgery – cirugía / doctor’s office (UK) – consultorio
GP = general practitioner- médico de cabecera
Questions your doctor might ask
Where does it hurt?
What seems to be the trouble?
What are your symptoms?
Do you mind if I examine you?/ I’m just going to examine you (now).