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Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the verb.

1. I couldn’t help (notice) you were wearing a Rolex watch.
2. I hope you don’t mind me (ask), but how much did it cost?
3. As soon as I started (exercise), I began (lose) weight.
4. I definitely remember Pepito (agree) (help) us paint the flat today. Maybe he forgot (look) in his diary.
5. I really don’t feel like (go) to the bar to watch the game tonight, so it’s no use (try) (get) me (go) with you.
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Choose the best option for each sentence.

1. having 3 cars, a motorhome and a Harley Davidson, Pepito decided to buy a boat.
2. My parents put me under a lot of pressure to study medicine and become a doctor, what I really wanted to do was be an artist.
3. Even neither of us like Jazz, we decided to go to the concert.
4. Dave and Sharron have bought a bigger house, the fact that Dave lost his job last year.
5. Maria and Andrew were poor people, they weren't unhappy.
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Read the following sentences and use your imagination to write TWO SENTENCES using the past perfect. Follow the example.

Example: I was really excited when I got the email.
1. .
2. .

1. I was shocked when he came to visit me in Spain after not seeing him for 10 years.

2. We were really angry at the end of our stay at the hotel in London.

3. When my girlfriend got home from work the other day she sat down and started crying.

4. Luckily we checked the bill before we paid.

5. Pepito arrived at the meeting an hour late and completely drunk.

6. My new car was badly scratched along one side and on the door.

7. Tony was horrified when his girlfriend came back from the beauty salon.
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Match the two halves of the sentences. 

1. Although I loved the atmosphere and the food,
2. I went out with Donna for over a year even though
3. My dad spent over 800 euros on a new mobile phone despite the fact that
4. I can’t pick you up at the airport because
5. I’ll go out to dinner with you as long as
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