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Choose the correct word for each sentence.

1. I backed the car into a wall this morning and the back bumper is a little .
2. Don't use that mug for guests, it's all .
3. I've washed this shirt so many times that now the colours have all .
4. I can't cut anything with that knife, it's too .
5. The TV remote's not working. I think the batteries are .
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Write ONE missing word in each gap to complete the sentences. Follow the example.

Example: Life hasn't been found on any planet in the solar system, from our own.

1. It was the sale my first car that gave me enough money to go travelling around Asia.
2. I can't ask for help from any of my work colleagues. You know what they're .
3. Available indoor activities include only the popular sports of football, basketball and badminton, but also handball, squash and table tennis.
4. A collision a bus and a lorry has left 7 dead and 14 injured.
5. It's something of a mystery how ancient Egyptians succeeded building the pyramids.

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Choose the correct word for each sentence.

take / keep / look / get / turn / have

1. We need to get some fresh bread. This loaf's too .
2. Don't put that new blue T-shirt in the washing machine with the whites. the colour might .
3. Pepito doesn't have a full head of hair anymore. It's on top.
4. You shouldn't eat that jam. It's got on top.
5. Someone spilt coffee on the sofa and now it's got a big brown on the cushion.

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Write ONE missing word in each gap to complete the sentences. Follow the example. 

Example: Life hasn't been found on any planet in the solar system, from our own.

1. Shawn Corey Carter, otherwise known the rapper JAY-Z, was born in New York City in 1969.
2. What the soldiers did when they rescued the hostages was and beyond what was expected of them.
3. We've had a wonderful time staying with you and your family this weekend. I can’t even begin to thank you for your hospitality and generosity.
4. of the main reasons we’re relocating to Canada is because there’s no work for me here in Spain.
5. We offer free delivery on all products and, in , a two-year money back guarantee.

  Diccionario online

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