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Animal Idioms
Choose the correct animal to make an English idiom.

1. The nearest village is about 30 kilometres east, as the flies.
2. Why don't you put those chocolates away and stop making such a of yourself. If you eat any more, you'll be sick!
3. I'm thinking of treating mum and dad to a long weekend away in Paris for their anniversary. But don't let the out of the bag, I want it to be a surprise.
4. Let's have a race along the coast road. The first one to out and put the brakes on buys the beers.
5. I was as blind as a before I had the laser operation. Now I can see perfectly without glasses.
6. Be careful Pepito! You'll break something in a minute. Stop running around like a in a china shop.
7. I could work much more efficiently at home, but my boss has got a in her bonnet about having us all at our desks in the office where she can see us.
8. I thought I smelt a when he asked for my credit card number and bank details. He must have thought I was born yesterday!
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Vocabulary - More Collective nouns
Choose the correct collective noun.

1. a squadron of
2. a sea of
3. a pack of
4. a hail of
5. a bundle of
6. a flock of
7. a herd of
8. a spate of
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Diccionario Ingles Español online


Match the phrases to form some popular English idioms.

1. One swallow does not
2. Life isn’t
3. He who laughs last
4. Clothes
5. A picture
6. You can’t be
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Diccionario Ingles Español online



Vocabulary - Collective nouns
Choose the correct collective noun.

1. a clump of
2. a party of
3. a gang of
4. a fleet of
5. a crowd of
6. a troop of
7. a flight of
8. a litter
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