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Write ONE missing word in each gap to complete the sentences. Follow the example.

1. Let sleeping lie.
2. never strikes twice in the same place.
3. Like like son.
4. Live and let .
5. Look after the pennies, and the will look after themselves.
6. Look before .
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Choose the best word for each sentence.

1. The elderly patient was considered too to survive an operation.
2. Yesterday, the highest temperature in was registered in Valencia.
3. Milk is an important of calcium and vitamin D and is an important part of any diet.
4. The customs officer was suspicious and called the man over to his luggage more closely.
5. Are these old papers of importance or can I throw them away?
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comunes en Inglés

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Write ONE missing word in each gap to complete the sentences. Follow the example.

Example: Life hasn't been found on any planet in the solar system, from our own.

1. A started at the meeting when Pepito was asked what he objected to about the new product launch.
2. One of the reasons for the high absentee rate was an of flu.
3. The laptop by touching this keypad with your finger or by looking directly into the webcam.
4. All of your needs are here in the resort hotel, there is no need for any guest to leave and visit the town.
5. I’m looking forward to in a bit of clubbing and gambling when I visit Las Vegas this year.
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Consulta las soluciones / Haz click para escuchar Escucha y repite la pronunciación Diccionario Ingles Español online Consulta el Diccionario




Choose the correct word for each sentence. 

1. I understand it's late and I don't mean to , but I have some important questions I’d like to ask.
2. After the concert, the pianist was presented with a large of flowers by a young girl.
3. The bad weather will for most of Friday, but we are expecting a much brighter weekend.
4. Many of the flats were demolished in the 1970s when living had deteriorated.
5. Scientists are yet to understand the full nutritional of nuts and olives.

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Consulta las soluciones / Haz click para escuchar Escucha y repite la pronunciación Diccionario Ingles Español online Consulta el Diccionario


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