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Choose the best word to complete the following sentences.

1. Health and social problems such as diabetes, obesity and alcohol and drug abuse has caused life to fall in some western countries.
2. Jonny Jet is a marketing expert, but I don't think that the of his expertise is as wide as people say.
3. We asked the lawyer to a totally new will when dad died.
4. Every person in this room has an important part in the success of the company.
5. We’re happy to say that our profits this quarter have by over 40%.
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Choose the word that completes these popular English idioms.

1. The road to is paved with good intentions.
2. There's no smoke without .
3. There's no substitute for .
4. There are plenty more fish in the .
5. Time and wait for no man.
6. There's more than one way to a cat.
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Find ONE word that completes all three sentences and write it in the gaps.

a) As a new parent, you have to walk a line between looking out for your child's welfare and being overprotective.
b) The police caught me going too fast on the motorway and I had to pay a speeding
c) The weather was terrible yesterday morning, but after lunch the sun came out and it was for the rest of the afternoon.
a) Don't forget to add a of salt before you mix it all together.
b) Since my wife lost her job, we’ve really felt the and we haven’t been able to afford a holiday.
c) Don't carry your wallet in your back pocket. Someone will it.
a) They accused the CEO of embezzling 4.5 million dollars from pension fund and he didn't an eyelid.
b) My son wants a baseball for his birthday.
c) The is a symbol of Valencia and can be found on the flag and on the football team’s emblem.
a) Is it normal to leave a for the waiter or waitress when you pay the bill in a Spanish restaurant?
b) Do you know the name of the Mayor of New York? It’s on the of my tongue.
c) What’s your best for improving listening skills?
a) The new internet privacy regulations could disaster for small businesses.
b) My brother's new girlfriend seems to have cast a over him. He does absolutely everything she says.
c) Could you please your email address for me so that I can write it down?
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Write ONE missing word in each gap to complete the sentences. Follow the example. 

Example: Life hasn't been found on any planet in the solar system, from our own.

1. Looking at our annual returns, it should obvious that the company isn't making a profit.
2. This presentation will touch on topics as the differences between traditional and internet marketing.
3. You're from perfect, John. When you were running this department it lost about $15,000 every quarter.
4. The lack of outside investors in the company is one of the problems the review will into.
5. The price of the software is a little high. On the hand, it’ll save us time in the long run.

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