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Choose the best words to complete the following sentences.

1. Many people say that if you take enough vitamin C at the of a cold, you'll often recover faster.
2. The World Health Organization website is a useful resource for tracking the of diseases worldwide.
3. Page is the part of graphic design that deals in the arrangement and style treatment of elements (content) on a page.
4. An store is a brick and mortar or online retail store in which manufacturers sell their stock directly to the public.
5. is the phase of flight in which an aircraft goes through a transition from moving along the ground (taxiing) to flying in the air, usually starting on a runway.
6. A proper before exercise can increase the blood flow to the working muscle which results in decreased muscle stiffness, less risk of injury and improved performance.
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con nuestro Curso Avanzado

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Choose the best word to complete the following sentences.

1. I went completely when I found out my son had broken my phone.
2. We had quite a argument with my boss at work today.
3. Please don’t be with me. I promise I’ll never lie to you again.
4. When my dad found out we’d broken the window on purpose, he flew into a and wouldn’t let us go out for a month.
5. Simon’s going to blow his when he finds out he hasn’t got the promotion.
6. When my dad was younger he used to embarrass the whole family with his sudden of temper.
7. Last time my friends from the UK came to visit us in Spain, the holiday was spoiled by their 7-year-old daughter who was constantly throwing about absolutely everything.
8. The shop assistant was trying to deal with an extremely customer when suddenly he hit him in the mouth.
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Errores Gramaticales
comunes en Inglés

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Choose the best words to complete the following sentences.

1. We are going to reply personally to one of you.
2. I've been checking things off the list and now I think I've done everything.
3. The quality of the courses from La Mansión del Inglés is second to .
4. We've got an awful to do and precious time to do it in, so let's get started now.
5. You can do an online course or go to a language academy. Either , I'm sure you'll improve your English.
6.It's going to be a good months until I have the money to buy a new car.
7. too often I get students in my class who just don't have the level to pass the exam.
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Choose the best option for each sentence. 

1. He plays water polo, ?
2. I can’t help how lucky we were to arrive early.
3. I won't go to the hospital you come with me.
4. It's no use to her. She doesn't listen.
5. Jim never been to Paris.
  Diccionario online

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