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Write ONE missing word in each gap to complete the sentences. Follow the example.

Example: Life hasn't been found on any planet in the solar system, from our own.

1. There are no clean shirts in the wardrobe. What are you going to wear?
2. We believe that you dropped the phone in the toilet and in that case, we cannot be responsible for its repair.
3. This is a great app, not only for those that are looking their productivity, but also for tech geeks like myself.
4. I don't like kind of spice. Cinnamon, in particular, makes me feel sick.
5. I've read every book you can see on these shelves at least once.

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Choose the correct word for each sentence.

1. I wouldn't if I were you. You’ll miss me when I’m gone.
2. You can come and us making the video if you want.
3. Bears used to be very in this part of the US, but nobody has seen one around here for ten years.
4. After eight years of , Spain’s economy is finally looking a lot healthier.
5. We’ve revised our final of yearly profits owing to more accurate advertising and marketing costs.
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Choose the best verb to make a common collocation.

1. something up to date
2. someone a compliment
3. something priority
4. a move to do something
5. someone good
6. people at their ease
7. something seriously
8. something down to experience
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Now complete the following sentences with an expression from the previous exercise. 

1. I prefer our new boss to the old one. I feel relaxed and comfortable talking to her and she's very approachable. She really knows how to .
2. My neighbour told me I was charming and kind this morning and I got really embarrassed. I'm not used to people .
3. We lost a lot of money the first year we were in business. But we learned from our mistakes and .
4. We have far too many active projects. We need to the most important project and put the others on hold.
5. I don't think you've the data base . The last entry was 2 months ago!
6. You've been working so hard lately darling. Why don’t you go out with your friends, relax, watch the game and have a few beers. It'll
7. Peter put a real mouse under the boss’s chair today. Life's just one big joke to him. He never .
8. Have you heard that Amazon have buy Sony?

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