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Write ONE missing word in each gap to complete the sentences. Follow the example.

Example: Life hasn't been found on any planet in the solar system, from our own.

1. If I’m at home and I want to entertain , I usually put on some rock music and play air guitar.
2. Do of you guys know what time the meeting starts?
3. The people who I really admire are those that have built something successful themselves.
4. As as seventy employees will be made redundant by the end of the year.
5. The cake collapsed because the heat in the oven wasn't consistent. In words, someone opened the oven door!
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Choose the best answer.

1. I can't stand in crowded places.
2. It's no use over spilt milk.
3. Pepito often has great difficulty women.
4. I was persuaded the test again.
5. When we were kids, my sister and I were encouraged hard at school.
6. Tell the neighbour in the lift.
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comunes en Inglés

Consulta las soluciones / Haz click para escuchar Escucha el Audio Diccionario Ingles Español online Consulta el Diccionario



Choose the best word or phrase to complete the sentence.

1. The police advised tenants to ask for identification from any unsolicited tradesmen calling at their house, as a number of are known to be active in the area.
2. Some people think that coffee without sugar tastes .
3. Although the evidence sounded convincing, it turned out to be a complete
4. Since you're not going to the funeral, it would be for you to send a card.
5. He lied so convincingly that I was completely and believed everything he said.
Gramática inglesa
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Gramática Inglesa Online

Consulta las soluciones / Haz click para escuchar Escucha y repite la pronunciación Diccionario Ingles Español online Consulta el Diccionario




Write ONE missing word in each gap to complete the sentences. Follow the example. 

Example: Life hasn't been found on any planet in the solar system, from our own.

1. In to find you on our customer database, you'll have to tell me your full name and date of birth.
2. I'm always on lookout for bargains during the summer sales.
3. Why are you eating in here on your ? Do you mind if I join you?
4. There are some things I don't like about our new car, but on the other , we got it at a really good price.
5. I don’t intend to be critical of you. I mean, let’s face it, I’m from perfect myself.

  Diccionario online

Consulta las soluciones / Haz click para escuchar Escucha y repite la pronunciación Diccionario Ingles Español online Consulta el Diccionario


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