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Choose the best word to complete the following sentences.

1. Scientists have announced a in the cloning of human cells.
2. The for economic growth and the reduction in unemployment is as pessimistic this year as it has been over the last 10 years.
3. My idea of a good Friday night is a few beers and a Chinese eaten at home while watching one of my favourite comedy sitcoms.
4. My boss had a nervous last month and she’s recovering in a private clinic in Madrid.
5. There was a at our local bank last week. They stole about 250,000 Euros and the police are still looking for the thieves.
6. One of the of owning several mobile internet devices is the cost of paying for more than one data plan.
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Choose the word that completes these popular English idioms.

1. Love at first .
2. Man cannot live by alone.
3. Many make light work.
4. More , less speed.
5. Necessity is the of invention.
6. No , no gain.
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Choose the best word to complete the following sentences.

1. Perhaps it's OK to tell a few occasionally, but it’s totally wrong to tell the blatant lies you do all the time.
2. Footballers are often not really fouled. They’re so that the referee will give them a free kick.
3. It wasn't the Minister for transport who opened the airport, but a complete .
4. Dad wasn't really angry, he was just so that the children would behave a little better.
5. Hundreds of software designers who applied online for a job found that they were victims of a when they discovered that the company did not exist.
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Choose the word that completes these popular English idioms. 

1. One man's meat is another man's .
2. One rotten spoils the whole barrel.
3. Penny wise, pound .
4. Speak of the (and he's sure to appear).
5. The grass is always on the other side of the fence.
6. The proof of the pudding is in the .

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