¿Conoces nuestra Suscripción Premium.? La mejor forma de
aprender, mantener y mejorar tu inglés.
Consulta las ventajas.
Choose the best words for each gap.
1. Austin, Texas is one of the most up and coming
cities in the world to a business.
2. Our lawyer’s the contract to see if there's anything unusual in the terms and
3. Thanks for coming to this meeting at such short notice. Let me tell you
what’s on the .
4. I'm a little confused about the new marketing strategy. Could you
through it?
5. There are several reasons why I think this is not the way for us to go and
I'm going to go through them .
Choose the best words for each gap.
1. I don't think I’ll be able to help you until
month. I’m totally with work at the moment.
2. I think Susan should do the presentation. Design is her
3. The estimate you sent for the new software is far too high. I think you
should a little more research.
4. What's a binder?
5. The new WordPress plug in will the purchase process in our online store.
Choose the best words for each gap.
1. I've always wanted to
a career in video creation.
2. No, I'm afraid I'm not that company.
3. What is a company's stock or inventory?
4. Pepito isn't a permanent employee, he's a/an .
5. I have a terrible boss! She never gives me any positive
on the work I do. It wouldn't hurt her to
me a compliment once in a while.
Choose the best words for each gap.
1. Online sales are dramatically changing the way
we business.
2. Where did you find those images? They look fantastic.
3. Terry can't the meeting on Friday. He'll be in Paris.
4. I'll send you the form .
5. I had a convincing my manager to send me to Barcelona for the conference.