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Choose the best words for each gap.

1. Well I'm not surprised they might be going out of business. They’ve been in financial trouble for years. It's not exactly news.
2. You can make a lot of money selling this product. It's a real .
3. If you want to succeed in this business you need to always stay ahead of the .
4. It's hard doing business with Pam. She drives a .
5. He's the only person who imports this product. He's really cornered the .

Descargar curso de inglés comercial de La Mansión del Inglés

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Choose the best words for each gap.

1. I wouldn’t trust Harry as far as I could him. He’s very dishonest.
2. We need to a meeting with the new website designer.
3. Boopers are opening a new in the city centre.
4. We’re doing really well in Europe, but we need to the US market.
5. She's an excellent manager. She runs a really

  Haz click para comprobar las soluciones Haz click para escuchar Diccionario Ingles Español online

Choose the best words for each gap.

1. I bought them cheap and sold them for a lot of money. I really .
2. Tim was forced to leave his job but he got a very generous .
3. The accountant had stolen a lot of money. He’d had his hand for years.
4. Pepito doesn't look very impressive but he's one of the in this industry.
5. I have to take next Wednesday work because my wife is going into hospital for a minor operation.

Descargar los productos de La Mansión del Inglés

  Haz click para comprobar las soluciones Haz click para escuchar Diccionario Ingles Español online

Choose the best words for each gap.

1. Maria, would you mind Pepito for me please?
2. Look, why don't we business cards, and I'll get in touch with you next week.
3. The amount of work that you have to do is called your .
4. Pepito takes a lot of pride in .
5. Do you think it's to use a credit card on this website?

  Haz click para comprobar las soluciones Haz click para escuchar Diccionario Ingles Español online


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