¿Conoces nuestra Suscripción Premium.? La mejor forma de
aprender, mantener y mejorar tu inglés.
Consulta las ventajas.
Match the idiom with the correct definition.
a) to start a project or business
b) to persuade or convince someone to do something that he or she does not want
to do
c) to convince someone not to do something
d) an estimate, an approximate number
e) lots of rules, procedures, and regulations that make it difficult to do
something, especially with government offices.
f) to surprise someone by doing something that he or she was not expecting.
1. ballpark figure -
2. twist someone's arm -
3. catch someone off guard -
4. get something off the ground -
5. talk someone out of something -
6. red tape -
Now complete the following sentences with an expression from the
previous exercise.
You may need to change the form of the expression
1. There's so much
involved in this country when it
comes to getting a driving licence or residency papers.
2. When they asked me to make a presentation at the meeting, they
me completely
3. I don't know exactly how much the project's going to cost, but a
would be about 200,000 euros.
4. I wanted to invest in a start-up in Laos, but my partner
5. The concept looks wonderful in the planning stage. When do you think we'll be
able to get the project ?
6. I have to get up early tomorrow so I shouldn't really go to the pub, but if
you I might go for a quick drink.
Match the idiom with the correct definition.
a) a particular strategy or way of
doing things
b) something that is very intense, aggressive and without mercy
c) to do or say something correctly
d) to start something over again
e) to start a business, project, or something else from zero
f) an ambiguity or inadequacy in the law or a set of rules.
1. back to square one –
2. from the ground up –
3. cut-throat –
4. a game plan –
5. hit the nail on the head –
6. loophole -
Now complete the following sentences with an expression from the
previous exercise.
You may need to change the form of the expression
Luis and Craig built La Mansión del Inglés
2. We’re meeting today to decide on
for the upcoming product launch.
3. Unfortunately, negotiations have broken down and so it’s
4. Pepito when he said most people
can use an iPad without having any technical knowledge.
5. Some people complain that millionaires avoid paying taxes by finding
in tax laws.
6. We are facing competition from
many similar companies.