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- En esta sección de EJERCICIOS DE INGLÉS COMERCIAL Y DE NEGOCIOS se encuentran recopilados y agrupados los ejercicios de Business English publicados en nuestros Cuadernos de Inglés para que tengas un acceso más organizado y sencillo a los mismos. Dado que mensualmente se distribuyen nuevos cuadernos, el material irá progresivamente incrementándose con con los nuevos ejercicios que vayan incorporándose.


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          1. They were one of our biggest competitors, but they last year.
2. Recent efforts our company's visibility on social networks have been successful.
3. Our company is expanding rapidly. We have recently 6 new employees.
4. Before you launch a new product, you do some market research.
5. Mergers and (abbreviated M&A) is an aspect of corporate strategy.
6. I at Cam Bank from 2001-2003.

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          1. I'd like to ask you something about the meeting tomorrow after work. Do I have to ?
2. I was wondering if you'd mind a little presentation at the meeting on Friday?
3. I'm afraid Mr. Garcia's not his desk at the moment, can I take a message?
4. Generally speaking, a good manager a smooth production process.
5. Pepito is preparing his presentation to come for a drink with us.
6. I'm afraid I can't meet you for lunch tomorrow, I have an important meeting (= I can't escape/I have to attend).
7. Everyone has to leave the office during a fire .
8. Make sure you with Pepito about what we all discussed this morning.

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          1. I'll give you a ring in the morning.
2. After you visualize and plan a project, you have to it.
3. We need someone who knows how to use online advertising to (= increase) online sales.
4. This unexpected price increase could (= endanger) the completion of this project.
5. When did John start working here? He was about two months ago.
6. In many offices, employees work in little areas called .
7. Everyone has to leave the office during a fire .
8. There's no in this office. You can wear whatever you like.

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          1. I went on a to Paris last week, so I wasn't in the office.
2. A business' "core competency" is something that it can do well. It's something that it apart from its competitors.
3. Pepito is always the meeting up by being late.
4. He's got a really positive . He'll do well at this company.
5. As a guest at the company, we're going to ask you to wear this name during your time in our factory.
6. Can we schedule a meeting for this Thursday afternoon?
  - Just let me check my .
7. Marketing really dropped the on this one. How on earth could they have made such a huge mistake?
8. I'm afraid I can't take on any more work at the moment. I already have too much already.

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          1. Sydney, Australia is one of the easiest cities in the world to a business.
2. Pepito, can you these documents and see if there's anything unusual in the terms and conditions.
3. Thanks for coming to this meeting everyone. What's on the for today?
4. I'm a little confused about the implementation plan for the new software. Could you ?
5. There are several reasons why I think this is a bad idea and I'm going to go through them .
6. Pepito isn't a permanent employee, he's a/an .
7. I have a terrible boss! She never gives me any positive on the work I do. It wouldn't hurt her to me a compliment once in a while.
8. I won't be able to play golf tomorrow. I'm really at work.

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          1. I don't think our department can start any new projects this month. We're totally with current projects.
2. I think Pepito should do the presentation. Social networking is his .
3. We don't seem to have enough facts at our disposal in order to make an educated decision. I think you should a little more research.
4. What's a binder?
5. The new functionality will the checkout process in our online store.
6. I've always wanted to a career in web design.
7. No, I'm sorry I'm not that company.
8. What is a company's stock or inventory?

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Curso de inglés comercial y de negocios

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