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Choose the best words for each gap.

1. When the government ended , the cost of basic services increased dramatically.
2. Since Orange entered the mobile phone market, there’s been a all across the developing world.
3. The new top-of-the-line luxury models have pushed the of a hybrid car to over 60,000 Euros.
4. There is currently a between the main internet service providers.
5. A sharp by Burton recently has made their products among the most expensive in the market.
6. If a customer signs up for two years with our company, they will be eligible for a of 20%.

Descargar curso de inglés comercial de La Mansión del Inglés

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Choose the best words for each gap.

1. For a job application , it’s common for the HR (human resources) department to ask candidates to fill in and send it to them with a CV.
2. If you’re asked what , you hold, you are being asked about your particular position or job in your company.
3. A is another name for a company.
4. If your job application is successful, you will be invited to attend an .
5. Another way to say “Why did you hand in your notice?” is

  Haz click para comprobar las soluciones Haz click para escuchar Diccionario Ingles Español online

Choose the best words for each gap.

1. Job candidates may be asked to provide from people they’ve worked for or been taught by.
2. A person who doesn’t live inside a city and travels into the centre to work is called a .
3. Regular annual increases in your salary are called .
4. Another way to say “What’s your job?” is: ?.
5. The extra things you receive in addition to your salary, such as a company car, health benefits and travel expenses, are called fringe benefits or .

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Choose the best words for each gap.

1. My wife isn’t working because she stays at home to look after the kids, so when I lost my job last month it was a bitter to swallow.
2. I still don’t understand how you spent $20,000 of company money on your trip to Las Vegas last month. I think you should give me a account of what happened.
3. I felt sure we’d be able to work closely with Switch Design on the new product launch until they came in way over budget. They really , didn’t they?
4. Our latest product sold very well in Europe and South America, but it really in the States. We lost so much money that we had to pull it out of the North American market.
5. I haven’t always been a rich, successful businessman. I began working on the when I was a teenager.

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