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Match the idiom with the correct definition.

a) something different from the normal routine or schedule
b) to have a lot of work to do or to do a particularly difficult project or task
c) to be more advanced than the competition
d) not to approve something/ someone. To say something/ someone is bad
e) to enter a business or organization at a low level, but with a chance of being more successful in the future
f) something is divided equally

1. get/have your foot in the door
2. ahead of the curve
3. change of pace
4. fifty-fifty
5. give something/someone the thumbs down
6. have your work cut out

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          Now complete the following sentences with an expression from the previous exercise.

1. Pepito just got a low-paying position with a large, multi-national company. He was happy to .
2. We need to stay . If we don’t, our competitors will gain more market share.
3. I like it when I have to travel to visit clients. It’s a from being in the office all day.
4. Our company is small and my business partner and I split everything .
5. I thought I had a great marketing idea, but my boss .
6. I have to reach 30,000 euros in sales by the end of the month. I’ve really .

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Match the idiom with the correct definition.

a) something that is difficult to achieve because of obstacles and difficulties.
b) this means ‘as soon as posible.
c) in a few words
d) to do something in this way is follow the rules and agree with the law and company policy.
e) This means to get used to doing something again after you have had a break from it.

1. ASAP –
2. By the book –
3. Get back in/into the swing of things -
4. uphill battle -
5. in a nutshell –

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          Now complete the following sentences with an expression from the previous exercise.

1. Getting the website up and running in time for Christmas is going to be .
2. , we need to create a new product this year in order to increase sales.
3. Please get this years figures to me . I need them for tomorrow’s meeting.
4. We close he office in August for the holidays and it’s always takes us a while to . in September.
5. If we make a mistake, we could be fined later so it’s important that we do everything .

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Curso de inglés comercial y de negocios

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