¿Conoces nuestra Suscripción Premium.? La mejor forma de
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Consulta las ventajas.
Match the expression or idiom below
with the correct definition a) to f).
a) to be alert and focused
b) to lose some kind of advantage to a competitor
c) the time for something or someone has finished
d) describes manual work such as construction, farming and working in factories
with machines
e) to do something without someone's knowledge and in a way that is not fair
f) maintain your position, typically in the face of opposition.
1. lose ground –
2. a blue collar job –
3. stand your ground –
4. behind someone's back –
5. on your toes –
6. time’s up –
Now complete the following sentences with an expression from the
previous exercise.
You may need to change the form of the expression
Ford to Toyota last quarter with the
launch of their new clean energy car.
2. I think her as head designer.
She’ll be looking for a new job before the end of the year.
3. We’ll have to during the launch
and keep a close eye on social media.
4. Next time you have a problem with the way I do my job, I’d appreciate it if
you’d speak to me directly and not .
5. We tried to change the design, but the project manager
and this is what we’re left with!
6. I come from background. My dad was
a welder and my mum worked on a factory production line.
Match the expression or idiom below
with the correct definition a) to f).
a) to be in control
b) work performed in an office, cubicle, or other administrative setting
c) things that happen in secret or not in view of the general public
d) to approve of someone or something
e) to not go far enough, to be insufficient
f) to do or think about things in the wrong order
1. behind the scenes –
2. come up short –
3. put the cart before the horse –
4. in the driver's seat -
5. give something/someone the thumbs up -
6. white collar –
Now complete the following sentences with an expression from the
previous exercise.
You may need to change the form of the expression
1. They make it look so easy, but their team does
a lot of planning and hard work
2. They were trying to find investors before they even had a business plan. They
3. They gave our new design
. This means we’ll get huge exposure
on their corporate website.
4. Our crowd funding campaign tried to raise 200,00 euros, but unfortunately it
5. I'm not used to being
. If you don’t mind, I’ll need some
help on staff management.
6. It’s a mining town with a few factories in the outskirts. There aren’t many
jobs in the area.