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Match the expression or idiom below with the correct definition a) to f).

a) to be ambitious and have high goals
b) when someone has to choose between various options and all the options are bad
c) easy progress with no problems or difficulties
d) to remove yourself from a bad situation that is unproductive and holds little hope for improvement
e) to think of creative and unconventional solutions instead of usual, common ones
f) to keep doing or talking about the same thing over and over again without achieving anything

1. cut your losses –
2. run/go around in circles -
3. think outside the box -
4. think big –
5. smooth sailing –
6. lose-lose situation -

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          Now complete the following sentences with an expression from the previous exercise. You may need to change the form of the expression

1. It was a nightmare setting up the new computer system but it'll be from now on.
2. I've been trying to get all the reports finished before the meeting.
3. If you can’t find a solution by going down the usual routes, you need to .
4. Advertising through that company was expensive and we didn't see an increase in sales. So, we decided to and stop doing business with them.
5. You need to . If you don’t invest in the Company and expand, you won’t be able to compete internationally.
6. This new development means that a favorable outcome is imposible. It’s a .

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Choose the best word to fit the description.

1. When two companies decide to join together, this is called a
2. If a company employs more workers, we can say that it has more staff.
3. The organisation that negotiates with the management for the workers is the
4. If a company "cuts jobs" it has fewer
5. If you work additional hours to earn extra money it’s called
6. A company that has a specialised product or service has a
7. When one company takes control of another it’s called
8. One way for a company to raise a lot of money is to

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          Choose the best preposition for each sentence.

1. I'm afraid the manager’s lunch.
2. I'm afraid Mr. Smith is New York all this week.
3. I'm afraid she's the other line.
4. I'm afraid Ms Walker is the office at the moment. Can I take a message?
5. I’m afraid he won’t be able to phone you until this afternoon.

I’m afraid… = I’m sorry…
I’m afraid she’s not in = Lo siento pero no está
I’m afraid not = Me temo que no

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16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
31 32 33 34                      

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