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Match the idiom with the correct definition.

a) when you stop the small talk and start working and/or talking seriously
b) to take shortcuts and find an easier or cheaper way to do something
c) when something is gained easily and then lost easily
d) everything that is involved with a particular situation
e) this means when something is at risk

1. at stake -
2. the big picture -
3. to cut corners -
4. easy come, easy go -
5. get down to business -

Descargar curso de inglés comercial de La Mansión del Inglés

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          Now complete the following sentences with an expression from the previous exercise.

1. I’m very nervous about the sales presentation next week. There’s a lot and we can’t afford to get it wrong.
2. I’m not saying that you shouldn’t pay attention to current projects, but it’s just as important not to lose site of .
3. I want to be respectful of your time, so let’s and talk about the first point on our agenda today.
4. I received a sales bonus of 15,000 euros at the end of last year and spent it all in 4 days in Las Vegas. Oh well, !
5. In my experience, if you try to in business, your clients find out and your integrity and brand image inevitably suffers.

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Match the idiom with the correct definition.

a) a job working regular office hours from 9am to 5pm
b) to have no money remaining. To be bankrupt
c) something not clear and not easily categorized or defined
d) to be in agreement
e) to disturb a peaceful, stable situation. To cause problems

1. on the same page –
2. to go broke –
3. nine-to-five –
4. rock the boat –
5. a grey area –

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          Now complete the following sentences with an expression from the previous exercise.

1. They were operating at a loss for over two years and eventually they .
2. Claiming ‘fair use’ for infringing copyright is a bit of in some countries.
3. I’m happy being an entrepreneur. I don’t think I could ever be happy doing a job
4. Let me summarize the points we’ve agreed on so far, just to make sure we’re all .
5. Everything is going really well with our new client. I don’t think we should and make any changes at this stage.

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Curso de inglés comercial y de negocios

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