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1. It is the nature of to struggle to the light.
2. The law any thing, with any body who will pay the law for the use of its brains and its time.
3. I have always maintained that the one important presented by modern society is - the enormous prosperity of Fools.
4. Peace rules the day, reason rules the mind.
5. Our words are giants when they do us injury, and dwarfs when they do us a service.

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1. Regret of neglected opportunity is hell that a living soul can inhabit.
2. There remained the sea, which is free to all, and particularly alluring to those who feel at war with humanity.
3. Only he who is without anything is enemies.
4. There is no hell than that provided by the regrets for wasted opportunities.
5. is so often disconcerting.

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1. The happiness of love is in action; its test is what one for others.
2. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
3. Pride is never so loud as when chains.
4. is never so on trial as in the moment of excessive good-fortune.
5. When people are they stoop to any companionship.

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1. a man's friends begin to compliment him about looking young, he may be sure that they think he is growing old.
2. The easiest thing to do, whenever you fail, is to by blaming your lack of ability for your misfortunes.
3. One of the greatest and simplest tools learning more and growing is doing more.
4. There is never where there is not strong regard.
5. Great minds have purposes; have wishes.

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