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1. Monkeys who very sensibly refrain from speech,
lest they should be set to . 2. There is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply in boats. 3. Independence is all very well, but we animals never allow our friends to make fools of beyond a certain limit; and that limit you've reached. 4. After all, the best part of a holiday is perhaps not so much to be resting yourself, as to see all the other fellows . 5. Animals when in company walk in a proper and sensible manner, in single file, instead of sprawling all and being of no use or support to each other in case of sudden trouble or danger. |
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1. There is only one difference
a long life and a good dinner: that, in the dinner, the sweets come
last. 2. The cruelest lies are often in silence. 3. The world is so full of a number of things, I'm sure we should all be kings. 4. There are no foreign lands. It is the traveler only who is . 5. Don't judge each day the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant. |
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1. If you ask me what I came
this life to do, I will tell you: I came to live out loud. 2. When people have not the same ideas, it is certainly better not to talk them. 3. There are two men inside the artist, the poet and the craftsman. One is born a poet. One a craftsman. 4. In my view you cannot claim to something until you have photographed it. 5. One must be arrogant, , to imagine that one can take everything in one's hand and know everything! |
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1. I adore adverbs; they are the only
qualifications I really respect. 2. There are two of taste, the taste for emotions of surprise and the taste for emotions of recognition. 3. I've always interested in people, but I've never liked them. 4. The right time is any time that one is so lucky as to have. 5. In museums and palaces we are radicals and conservatives. |
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