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  Listen and write the questions you hear.

1. What was the total number of people on the boat?

2. How far out to sea was the boat when it sank?

3. How many passengers have been confirmed dead so far?

4. How many people died in a similar incident in 2016?

5. Which nationality suffers most from these disasters in Thailand?

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Diccionario Ingles Español online


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  Listen and write the questions you hear.

1. In which city are the drug trials taking place?

2. What’s the drug called?

3. According to one volunteer, what did they see coming out of open books?

4. Two types of what are combined together to produce the drug?

5. What does NDE stand for?

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Diccionario Ingles Español online

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  Listen and write the questions you hear.

1. What’s the full website address for the Spanish version of lyrics training?

2. What happens in lyrics training if you don’t have enough time to write?

3. Which version of The Office does the man prefer?

4. Where is The Fall based?

5. What genre are the TV series The Fall and Line of Duty?

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Diccionario Ingles Español online

Cómo mejorar el
listening en inglés.


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  Listen and write the questions you hear.

1. In which country is the White Nights Festival held?

2. What’s the most common starting time for evening performances?

3. What is the latest starting time for afternoon performances?

4. Approximately how many people go to the Scarlet Sails celebration?

5. In which month does the festival officially finish?

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Diccionario Ingles Español online

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21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29  

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