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  Where are your manners?
Maybe it’s the full moon that’s driving everybody , but I definitely noticed more people than normal on the streets of Valencia yesterday evening.
Not only were the drivers more reckless and than usual, but even pedestrians were pushing and shoving and closing doors in people’s .
I could understand it if Valencia had the sort of population density and crowds that London, New York and Paris have, but Valencia is smaller, and I personally think there should be a lot more consideration and on the streets.
Pushchairs and bashed into ankles and elbows landed sharply in the ribs in the fight for the late bus home. Is it too much to ask of a youngster that he his seat to a lady? Shouldn’t we be helping people with their heavy shopping? Call me , but I think our society needs to get back to basics as far as manners are concerned.

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  What is Christmas?
For many people, Christmas is the time of year to think about buying presents, time with the family and possibly eating and drinking too !
Of course, you’re a person, you’ll be celebrating the birth of Christ and going to . Many of us, however, are happy to have a few days off work and, for the lucky ones, an end-of-year Christmas .
But what does the festive season mean for you? For me it’s a time to look back at the year gone by and to think about how I’ve spent it. Have I all the things I wanted to back in January? Am I happy and with the way the year has gone and what goals, both personal and professional, will I be for myself for the coming year?
So, for me, it’s a time of , a time to re-charge my batteries and look ahead with and expectancy. Above all Christmas is a time to give thanks to whatever God you may have. I’m not a religious person, but I am thankful for family, for friends and for life.

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Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with your hosting plan which I contracted a year to host the website for my .
When I originally signed up, I chose the basic plan which you advertised for 5.99 euros per month. happy with your service throughout the year, I notice that you have upgraded me to your 'plus' plan which 10.99 euros per month without informing me, and you have deducted this amount from my credit card without my permission. , I am now paying nearly double for extra services that I don’t even need.
, I notice that you are currently offering an even cheaper starter plan on your website which costs 3.99 euros per month. Surely I should have been of the change before you switched the plan?
While I appreciate the fact that it is common practice to offer cheap rates as an incentive to new customers, I find it that a company would increase a recurring fee and impose an upgrade without consulting the client first.
I your reply and to some clarification of this matter.
Yours faithfully,

Ivor Grudge

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Diccionario Ingles Español online


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  1. How old is Copenhagen?

2. In which year was Copenhagen rated the richest city in terms of gross earnings in the world?

3. How long is the Stroget shopping area?

4. What has Copenhagen been called as a result of its environment-friendly policies?

5. How many students are studying in its universities and institutions?

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Diccionario Ingles Español online


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