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  Listen and write the questions you hear.

1. Which phrasal verb means to start or begin (for example, to begin an expedition)?

2. How long ago did Bingham rediscover the ancient site?

3. Which ancient civilization used to live in this area?

4. When did the Spaniards take control of the Inca region?

5. According to the researchers, what does Machu Picchu actually refer to?


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Diccionario Ingles Español online


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  Listen and write the questions you hear.

1. In which year did Amber Heard and Johnny Depp begin dating?

2. Who did Johnny Depp have a 14-year relationship and two children with?

3. What did Amber say that Johnny had thrown at her when she filed for a divorce in 2014?

4. Which Newspaper did Amber Heard write an article for in 2018?

5. What did Depp claim that Heard had put in their bed?

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Diccionario Ingles Español online

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  Listen and write the questions you hear.

1. How many languages can you practice on the free plan?

2. How much does the VIP subscription cost?

3. What is the free translation based on?

4. What is the name of HelloTalk’s Facebook-like posting feature?

5. What is a big drawback of HelloTalk’s free version?

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Diccionario Ingles Español online


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  Listen and write the questions you hear.

1. How many users does Tandem have?

2. What’s the maximum amount of time for application approval on Tandem?

3. What are the other two areas of interest on Tandem apart from community and tutors?

4. What is the monthly subscription charge for Tandem’s pro version if you pay for a full year?

5. What’s the name of the dating app that Tandem is sometimes compared to?

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Diccionario Ingles Español online

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