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Have you got Green
fingers? If you are good with flowers and plants, and you have a natural talent for turning seeds into a colourful vibrant , then you can be said to have green fingers. I definitely do not. It's not that I don't like flowers and plants. Many times, while walking in the , strolling around town or visiting other people's gardens, I stop to admire a tree or blowing in the wind. As the saying goes, we should all stop from time to time to the roses. I just don't have the for looking after plants. It's the constant watering and care that puts me off. There just doesn't seem to be a large enough return on for my time, and that might sound strange coming from someone who used to be a . I grew tomatoes, corn, melons, , peppers and even . But that was a job and, although I did enjoy doing it most of the time, I still resented the long hours that I needed to work in order to plant, water and harvest the crop. I'm not a naturalist. I'm a city boy who's happy to appreciate pretty palm trees blowing in the wind but usually from the and of his flat's balcony. |
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What Are You Waiting
For? Did you have a good summer? I had a wonderful summer. I went on holiday in August and with some old friends that I hadn’t seen for years. I was quite in September and the first two weeks were really hot in Valencia. But now is here and the weather has really cooled down. Have you started studying English again? Many students take a over the summer and have some time off from their studies. I hope you are ready to and improve your English. Here at La Mansion del Ingles we can help you study with our free online courses at mansioningles.com. You can to our free audio podcasts at inglespodcast.com, and don’t forget that we have a community of students us on Facebook and on Twitter @mansiontwit. So what are you waiting for? Let’s work together and improve your English now! |
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Is Your Life Under
Control?![]() If the answer is yes, then we have something in . I often get the impression that I live other people’s agendas; family, friends, work colleagues and even strangers. I’ve tried a of different organizational tools, but nothing seems to improve the situation. I use a paper diary for day-to-day and a weekly /monthly planner to set my . I use online software to keep track of the hours I work on certain projects and digital project files and ‘to do’ lists, but I constantly fail to meet my and personal deadlines. Life has a habit of getting in the way. It could be a favour a friend asks of me (who can a friend in need, right?) or a family member has an ‘urgent’ problem. Social events out of nowhere and new work tasks come up that need to be dealt with. It seems that other people’s priorities also have to be mine and saying ‘no’ without offending is a I haven’t yet mastered. |
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![]() 2. Given the choice, would the man prefer to sleep in a tent or in a hotel? 3. Why don’t the man and his girlfriend go camping anymore? 4. Does the man and his girlfriend still have a tent? 5. Is the man’s view of camping generally a positive or a negative one? |
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