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Here’s the weather for the next . This morning will be and clear, but we may see some this afternoon and colder weather in the of country. In some places temperatures may be a low as , so don’t leave home without a good, thick sweater!

Tomorrow we can expect more of the hot weather we had last week, with bright and temperatures up to degrees, so don’t forget to wear sun cream!

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Diccionario Ingles Español online


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This is Simon. He's English. Simon's a and he lives in London with his wife and . He's got a daughter, Sandra, who's , and a son, Daniel, who's . His wife's name's Donna. She's a .
Simon works in the centre of London and he meets from other countries. he likes his job, but he doesn't like the and he doesn't like working at night or at the . He likes being with his family.

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Diccionario Ingles Español online


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1. Opposite the department store is the .
2. The is on the second floor..
3. On the third floor you'll find the children's department and the department.
4. The furniture department is on the floor.
5. There's a on the fifth floor.
6. the department store is open from 9 until .

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Diccionario Ingles Español online


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1. ¿Cuántas veces hacen la compra a la semana?

2. ¿De qué tamaño es el supermercado que hay junto a su vivienda?

3. ¿Cuándo compran las cosas pesadas?

4. ¿Qué tipo de alcohol compran para el fin de semana?

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Diccionario Ingles Español online


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11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29  

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