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  Listen and write the questions you hear.

1. How many hours of study per week does the man say that language schools usually offer?

2. What percentage of class time does the man say could be spent on listening activities?

3. One example the man gives for subjects that could be Googled together with the word podcast is cooking. What are the other three?

4. How many podcasts does the man say are on the BBC website?

5. One advantage the man gives for listening to podcasts is multitasking. What’s the other?

Descarga GRATIS
nuestra app de 
Podcast para aprender Inglés
(para Iphone, Ipad, Ipod
y Android).

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Diccionario Ingles Español online


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  Listen and write the questions you hear.

1. In which city was New Media Europe held in 2015?

2. When is the award ceremony this year?

3. What 2 reasons are given for the awards being harder this year than last year?

4. On which social media platform can you vote?

5. What’s the name of the website where you can go to vote for the podcast?

6. What prizes are being offered for people who vote?

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Diccionario Ingles Español online


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  Listen and write the questions you hear.

1. What was the constant thing about Sundays when the speaker was growing up?

2. In which year was Muhammad Ali born?

3. In which year was the speaker born?

4. What did Ali do twice in the 1970’s?

5. How many times was Ali married?

6. What was Ali awarded in 2005?

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Diccionario Ingles Español online


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  Listen and write the questions you hear.

1. In which American city did the journey begin?

2. How long was the trip into Canada?

3. What was the speaker’s opinion of the view of the countryside from the highway?

4. How fast was the man driving on the highway?

5. How long was the man driving on the highway with little or no visibility?

6. Where did the speaker and his girlfriend spend the night?

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Diccionario Ingles Español online


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