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  Listen and write the questions you hear.

1) Which sport did the speaker play?

2) What disadvantage did the speaker's team have?

3) What was the score in the game that the speaker described?

4) Which of the following was not a reason for the game being so bad?
  a) There were no girls there
  b) One of the speaker's team players got hurt
  c) The speaker knew one of the members of the opposing team
  d) The speaker's team lost badly
5) Were the speaker's experiences all bad?

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Diccionario Ingles Español online


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  Listen and write the questions you hear.

1) What does the speaker say are sometimes on the floor of Spanish bars?

2) What hot beverage does the speaker drink in Spanish bars?

3) What do you think the expression 'they don't give a monkey's' means?

     a) They charge too much money
     b) There's no music in the bar
     c) They don't care
     d) They don't talk to you

4) What did the speaker have for breakfast last week in a bar in Valencia?

5) Does the speaker always give a tip?

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Diccionario Ingles Español online


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  Listen and write the questions you hear.

1) How old was the speaker when he went to Europe with his friend?

2) Where did they work together?

3) When Innes says "handing in our notice" does he mean

4) Apart from a gas camping stove and a tent, what did they buy for their trip?

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Diccionario Ingles Español online


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  Listen and write the questions you hear.

1) What colour was Graham's car?

2) Where did our girlfriends live?

3) How long did it take to drive to see our girlfriends?

4) Was Graham drunk? What had he been drinking?

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Diccionario Ingles Español online


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