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  Listen and write the questions you hear.

1) Which two things in the speakers area connected him with nature?

2) Did the speaker travel into London often?

3) What does the word 'cruising' mean in this context?
    a) not spending a lot of money
    b) Driving around with no particular destination
    c) travelling by boat
4) How did the speaker travel into London at Christmas time?

5) Why didn't the speaker have lunch in Harrods?

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Diccionario Ingles Español online


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  Listen and write the questions you hear.

1) How tall was Innes?

2) Why did they decide to hitchhike?

3) How long did they wait at the side of the road?

4) Why do you think nobody stopped to give them a lift?

5) What did they eventually decide to do?

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Diccionario Ingles Español online


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  Listen and write the questions you hear.

1) What did the speaker mainly spend his money on?

2) Did they travel to France by train, boat or plane?

3) Did the speaker know the driver well?

4) What did they do once the ferry started to sail?

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Diccionario Ingles Español online


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  Listen and write the questions you hear.

1) Which days of the week were popular in the General Havelock pub?

2) What was thrown through the window?

3) How did most of the people who were drinking in the pub react?

4) Why did the speaker and his friend order two more pints of beer?

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Diccionario Ingles Español online


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