Read the letter and choose the best word for each space.

A Letter to Santa

I hope you are well and that your preparations for Christmas this year are coming along nicely.
I'm writing to you because I'm really looking to Christmas and I want to tell you about the presents we’d all like this year.
I’d really love to get two new cars. I my toy Ferrari and the Porsche the table and now it's only got one wheel.
I’d also like a lot of sweets and a big box of chocolates with my friends at school. Please don't put the chocolates in my Christmas because the dog will probably eat them like she did last year.
My sister and I would love to have two horses. Dad thinks this is silly because we live in a city and he says there's to put them and we won't look after them. That's silly because we could easily keep them in the park around the corner and my brother John can feed them. .
, John wants a new bike this year and my sister Sally would like an iPad. Please don't get her the old iPad because she says the camera is rubbish and the new model has a much better screen.
Dad wants some new and a big flat-screen TV to watch the football on. I know that Mum thinks a new TV is a big of money and that's why I'm asking you.
Mum wants a new dress and perfume. She needs a new pair of slippers too, but don't worry those because I think Dad's getting them.Diccionario online
Granny says she wants new legs for Christmas so that she can get up and down the easier, so I'll leave that with you. Oh, and my Granddad wants his luck to change so that he can money betting on the horses. Can you do that for him? I think he would also like a bottle of brandy, because Dad always at him when he drinks the brandy from the cupboard.
I think that's all for this Christmas. Be careful when you come down the chimney, because we had it last month and there's a gas fire there now. It might be better if you came through the window. one open for you.
Best wishes and a very Merry Christmas to you, your reindeer and all your little helpers in Lapland.

Simon. X

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Listen to the song on YouTube and chose the missing words for the spaces from the box. Some words are used more than once. Use the pause button if you need more time.
Let It Snow! - Michael Buble

Oh the weather is frightful
But the fire is so
And since we've no place to
Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!

It doesn't show signs of
And I've bought some corn for popping
The lights are turned way down
Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!

When we finally goodnight
How I'll hate going out in the !
But if you'll really me tight
All the way I'll be warm

The fire is slowly
And, my dear, we're still goodbying
But as long as you me so
Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!

Oh! It doesn't show signs of
And I've bought some corn for popping
and the are turned way down low
Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!

All the way I'll be warm!
All the way I'll be warm!

The fire is slowly
And, my dear, we're still goodbying
As long as you me so
Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!

Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!
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 Traduce las siguientes frases al inglés.

1. En verano me gusta acostarme tarde.
2. No nos gusta jugar a las cartas.
3. Odian ir de compras.
4. ¿Os gusta ver películas en versión original?
5. Le encanta (a ella) desayunar en la cama.
6. Odia (él) trabajar con el ordenador.
7. No sé nadar muy bien pero me gusta.
8. ¿Que le gusta hacer a tu hermana?
9. Odio oír a los políticos!
10. Les encanta navegar por Internet.
11. Odio probarme ropa.
12. ¿Les gusta viajar en avión?
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Choose the best word for each sentence.

1. "I made a chocolate cake this morning. Would you like ?"
2. "Which would you like, tea or coffee?" " thanks. I'd prefer a glass of water."
3. "Which would you like for lunch - fish or chicken?" ". You choose. I don't mind.”
4. "I've still got some money left. You've spent all of yours. You haven't got ."
5. "How much wine have we got?" ". Not very much, but it'll do for lunch."
6. "Who passed the FCE exam? You? Sara? Sergio? Maria Jose?" " of us!
It's terrific, isn't it! Really great news."
7. "Who do you know in your new block of flats?" , but I'm sure
I'll get to know my neighbours soon."

I made a chocolate cake this
morning. Would you like...?
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