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  Escucha el audio y completa el ejercicio.

1. How old was Pedro when he left Cuba and moved to the US?

2. What does Pedro do for a living?

3. How long has he been working in the restaurant?

4. How does Pedro feel when the customers enjoy the food he has cooked?

5. What’s the total number of races* that Pedro has won all together?

*races = carreras, competiciones

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Diccionario Ingles Español online


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  Escucha el audio y completa el ejercicio.

1. What’s the weather like at the moment?

2. When will the weather change from the way it is now?

3. What will the weather be tomorrow morning?

4. Where does the man suggest going tomorrow afternoon?

5. What will be the highest temperature at the weekend?

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Diccionario Ingles Español online

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  Escucha el audio y completa el ejercicio.

1. What do you put in the black tube?

2. What is the colour of the light on the top of the machine?

3. How long do you need to wait until the machine is ready to use?

4. What is the maximum number of cups that the machine can make?

5. What what colour is the button that will make your coffee stronger?

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Diccionario Ingles Español online


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  Escucha el audio y completa el ejercicio.

1. Which three shops are near the man’?

2. When is the fruit shop open?

3. Why do people prefer the fruit shop to the supermarket?

4. What does the bakery sell apart from bread?

5. How many tables does it have?

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Diccionario Ingles Español online

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29  

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