Word Stress with Wayne

1st syllable stress

Nouns with 2 syllables: REfund, EXport, CHina, LAbel, INcrease (there are exceptions: JaPAN, hoTEL)

Adjectives with 2 syllables: HAppy, YEllow, LOVEly, STUpid, HELPful (exceptions incl: obTUSE, upSET, alRIGHT)

Compound nouns: HOUSEwork, FOOTball, SOFTware, WHITEboard, GOALkeeper, AFTERshave, VOICE recorder. CAR bomb

2nd syllable stress

Verbs with 2 syllables: beGIN, coLLECT, reCORD, comPLAIN, exPORT, rePLY, inCREASE (exceptions incl: TRAvel, STUdy, LENGTHen)

Penultimate stress
Words ending in -ic: photoGRAphic, geoGRAphic, pornoGRAphic, psychiATric
Words ending in -sion and -tion: conFUsion, compreHENsion, dePRESsion, assassiNAtion, constiTUtion, amBItion

3rd syllable from the end

Words ending in -cy, -ty, -phy and -gy: phoTOGrapher, enJOYable, specTACular, deMOcracy
Words ending in -al: imPRACtical, nuTRItional, CRItical, poLItical

Do all native speakers agree on where to put word stress? How do we pronounce:


Where does the stress go on this word:
anti-disestablishmenTARianism (on the 8th of a total of 12 syllables!) Is this the longest word in the dictionary?

The longest word in any of the major English language dictionaries is pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis (30 letters), a word that refers to a lung disease contracted from the inhalation of very fine silica particles, specifically from a volcano; medically, it is the same as silicosis. (wikipedia)

A computer study of over a million samples of normal English prose found that the longest word one is likely to encounter on an everyday basis is uncharacteristically (20 letters)

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