Farming and Agriculture
Barn – a farm building – granero – Were you born in a barn? – Close the
door! Have you ever been to a barn dance?
Cattle – animals like cows and oxen – buey – used for meat or milk
Poultry – chickens and turkeys, etc.![](../../../../imagenes/masgramatica.gif)
Livestock – ganado
Dairy = made from milk – vaquería (farm), lechería (store, shop), dairy
product – producto lacteo
Crops – cosecha, cultivo We had a bad corn crop this year. Maize is an
important crop. (sweetcorn, corn on the cob)
Crop rotation – The practice of rotating use of different fields from
crop to crop each year, to avoid exhausting the soil.
Harvest – cosecha, cosechar
‘A bumper harvest’ = a very good harvest
Vintage – Cosecha de vino
To pick – escoger, coger – pick flowers, fruit, grapes. You can pick
grapes from a vine which grows in a vinyard.
Drought – sequía – Did you know that Spain imported water by ship in
Drought in Spain’s northeastern region of Catalonia grew so severe in
2008 that Barcelona began importing water by ship from France.
Soil – tierra – erosion
Fertile land (producing crops)
Fertilize – fertilizar – fertilizer – fertilizante
Irrigation – irrigacíon, reigo
Orchard (fruit trees) an apple orchard, a cherry orchard
ripe – maduro
Pesticide (chemicals that you spray on crops)
Hay – heno – (dried grass)
Hay bale/bale of hay – paca de heno
Straw – paja![](../../../../imagenes/masvocabulario.gif)
To plough – arar
To plant – plantar, sembrar – to sow seeds
To sow – sembrar. “To sow the seeds of…doubt – duda/unrest – inquietud”
To reap – segar/cosechar. “To reap the rewards”= to benefit from good
“You reap what you sow”
to farm something out – to send work to someone to be done away from
one’s normal place of business; to subcontract work. “We farmed the
podcasting editing out.”
a funny farm – a hospital for people who are mentally ill
Example: My grandmother had to send my uncle to the funny farm when she
couldn’t take care of him at home anymore.
Note (¡OJO!): This is a humorous or funny expression, but could be
considered rude by some people.
I’m so hungry I could eat a horse – to be very hungry
until the cows come home – for a very long time
I could record podcasts until the cows come home!
the last (final) straw – the last of a series of events/annoyances/disappointments
that lead a person to losing his or her patience/temper/hope
“He’s been late a few times, but this is the last straw!” “Yesterday my
neighbours were partying until 3pm. This was the last straw. I called
the police.
From the proverb: “It is the last straw that breaks the camel’s back”![](../../../../imagenes/masaudio.gif)
spring chicken – a young person
I’m no spring chicken!
to make hay while the sun shines – (hay – heno) to take the opportunity
to do something when the time and conditions are right – Work was going
really well, so I decided to make hay while the sun shines and keep
working for another 3 hours.
don’t put all your eggs in one basket – don’t make everything dependent
on one thing (same in Spanish)
to reap what you sow – every action has a consequence; what you do comes
back to you one way or another. If you treat your friends badly, you
won’t have any friends. ‘What goes around comes around)
This expression is usually used in a negative sense. (reap – cosechar
“to reap the benefits of a situation = see the fruit)
to take the bull by the horns – to be brave and confront difficult
If you’re unhappy in your job, perhaps you take the bull by the horns
and leave your company.
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