Ghosts and the Supernatural
Ghost, ghastly, phantom – fantasma
To haunt – encantar – a haunted house
Spooky – espeluznante
Words for the devil – el diablo: lucifer, the beast, Satan, 666,
beelzebub, The Prince of Darkness
Evil – mal, vil
Curse – una maldición
Demons and angels
To terrify – aterrorizar a , terrifying – espantoso/a “I was terrified”
/ “It was a terrifying experience”
To scare – asustar, aterrorizar – scary
Fear (noun) – miedo, to fear – temer
To be afraid (adj.) – tener miedo
Fright (noun) – susto – I caught/had a fright
Frighten (verb) – asustar a
Frightening (adj.)
Frightful (adj.) a frightful shock
To scream – gritar (a blood curdling/spine chilling scream)
To howl (like a werewolf) gritar, aullar
The afterlife, life after death – el más allá, ultratumba
Coffin – ataúd
To bury – enterrar
Cemetery – cementerio
Grave – tumba, gravestone – lápida mortuoria
Gruesome – repelente – “a gruesome killing”
Eerie – inquietante, escalofriante – an eerie silence
Witch – bruja – broomstick – palo de escoba , to cackle – reírse a
carcajadas, to cast a spell – embrujar , witchcraft/sorcery – brujería –
wand – varita
fairies – las hadas
wizard – mago, hechicero
Afterlife – What happens to a person’s soul or spirit after they die (to
die, death, he died or passed away)
Astral projection – the process whereby our etheric body, spirit or mind
separates from the physical body, while maintaining a level of
consciousnes (out of body experiences).
Channeling – Uses communication with the paranormal through a state of
Dowsing – To be able to find underground water and/or underground
Ley lines – hypothetical alignments of a number of places of
geographical interest, such as ancient monuments and megaliths.
Extrasensory perception (ESP) is the knowledge of external objects or
events. A sixth sense beyond the five man already uses. Animals seem to
have it.
What are the 5 senses? (hearing, sight, touch, smell, and taste)
Past Life Recall – To remember or have mental flashes about living in
another lifetime.
Reincarnation -The belief that a person’s soul will, following bodily
death, inhabit a new body in a long cycle of rebirths.
Telepathy – To know what others are thinking as if to hear thoughts in
your head. Thought transference including the sending and receiving of
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