Are the following positive or negative
Anxious – ansioso/a
Ashamed – avergonzado/a – “Craig is ashamed of his level of Spanish.”
Astonished (amazed, surprised) – asombrado – “We are astonished at the
number of listeners we have.”
Awful (horrible, terrible) – espantoso/a
Bored (uninterested) – aburrido/a
Concerned (worried) – preocupado/a
Confused – confundido
Contented (satisfied) – contento/a, satisfecho/a
Disappointed – decepcionado, desilusionado
Ecstatic (very, very happy, joyful) – estático/a
Embarrassed (self-conscious) – avergonzado/a
Excited – entusiasmado/a
Furious (very, very angry) – furioso/a
Guilty – culpable
Hopeful (optimistic) – optimista
Inadequate (insufficient) – deficiente, inapropiado/a, inadecuado/a
Inferior – inferior
Insecure – inseguro/a
Irritated – irritado, enojado/a
Jealous – celoso/a / envious – envidioso/a What’s the difference between
jealousy (celos) and envy (envidia)?
Envy is when you want what someone else has, but jealousy is when you’re
worried someone’s trying to take what you have.
Envy is a reaction to lacking something.
Jealousy is a reaction to the threat of losing something (usually
“I’m envious of my friends town house and office space.” Are you a
jealous person?
Mad / angry – enfadado / crazy about (in a positive way) “I’m mad about
Peaceful – tranquilo/a
Proud – orgulloso/a
Scared (afraid) – aterrorizado, asustado
Sensitive – sensible
Suspicious – sospechoso “That man looks suspicious.” / “I feel
suspicious of my neighbour.”
Threatened (in danger) – amenazado
Vulnerable – vulnerable
Worthless – despreciable / (cosa) sin valor – “This old painting is
How did you feel when we won the podcasting award in 2015?
How did you feel when we didn’t win it this year?
How do you feel when someone catches you doing something you shouldn’t
be doing?
How do you feel when your neighbours make a lot of noise or stop you
from sleeping when you need to get up early the next day?
How did you feel when you heard about Brexit or Trump’s election victory?
What achievement do you feel proud of?
Is there anything you feel ashamed of?
How do you feel about Mickey Mouse?
What makes you feel bored?
When was the last time you felt surprised?
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