A dependent preposition is a preposition that always follows the same expression; for example, we say ‘interested in’ and not X ‘interested on‘ or ‘interested about‘ X.
As we saw in the previous two episodes, dependent prepositions can depend on a verb or adjective, as well as a noun.

There are dependent prepositions which go before certain nouns and others that go after certain nouns.

in agreement – Are we in agreement with the way English should be taught?
in doubt – I’m in doubt about which course to write next.
in a hurry – Are you in a hurry to finish this podcast?
increase/decrease in – rise/fall in “There’s been a fall in the value of the euro and the pound.”
difficulty in/with – Is there anything you’re having difficulty with?

(take) advantage of – Take advantage of these podcasts and the free courses on mansioningles.com
as a result of – As a result of this podcast we’ve met some wonderful people.

information about/on – Where can listeners find information about/on FCE courses? On the Mansión Inglés website
anxiety about – She feels a lot of anxiety about her test tomorrow.

on strike – Have you ever gone on strike?
on average – How much coffee do you drink on average?
on the whole – On the whole, are you pleased with life in Valencia?
opinion on (attitude towards) – What’s your attitude towards underage drinking?

at risk – Do you think the EU is at risk? Will it break up?
at fault – I apologise. I am at fault. Sorry!

need for – There’s a need for good government. / There’s a need for change.
reason for – What’s the reason for the indecision in Spanish politics?
taste for – There’s a well-known podcaster with a taste for dark chocolate.

under guarantee/warranty – have you got anything at home that’s still under guarantee?
under age – Did you drink alcohol when you were under age?

solution to – I’m afraid they had no solution to our problem.

in answer to – In answer to our request, we were given some help.
for the love of … – “Don’t do it, for the love of God!”
in lieu of (= in place of, instead of) – My boss gave me a day off work in lieu of extra pay.

*Dispones de más PODCAST en inglés publicados en los cuadernos anteriores
a los que puedes acceder directamente así como al índice de su contenido.


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