In this episode we’re going to help you communicate more effectively when you go to the doctor.

To make an appointment – ‘I’d like to make an appointment to see Dr.Smith’
boil – forúnculo, furúnculo – inflamed, red, tender, wound weeping puss (to weep – llorar, supurar)

Words to describe pain

Adjectives: painful, sore, aching, agonizing

Verb phrases: It hurts, It’s killing me, It stings, It aches, It smarts

Aches and pains collocations: acute pain, gripping pain, severe pain, agonizing pain, chronic pain, crippling pain, burning pain, stabbing pain (to stab – apuñalar) sharp pain,
dull pain, shooting pain, stinging pain, throbbing pain, unbearable pain, dull ache, nagging ache/pain, stomachache, backache, headache, bellyache

surgery – cirugía / doctor’s office (UK) – consultorio
GP = general practitioner- médico de cabecera

Questions your doctor might ask

Where does it hurt?
What seems to be the trouble?
What are your symptoms?
Do you mind if I examine you?/ I’m just going to examine you (now).
Does this hurt? (doctor touches you)
Does it hurt if/when I do this? (doctor touches you)
Can/Could you describe the pain, please?
Lie down/on the couch, please.
Can/Could you take off your + (item of clothing), please?
Can/Could you take of your clothes, please? (maybe all or down to your underwear)
Can you strip off (your clothes), please? (maybe all or down to your underwear)
Can/Could you take (nice) (big) deep breaths for me…
…In …..and….out….
Have you had this before?
When did the pain start? – How long have you had this?
Are you taking anything for it?
Are you allergic to any medicine/medication?
rash – sarpullido, erupción
itchy – prurito, picazón, picor
I’m going to (I need to) take some blood.
I’m going to (I need to) run some tests.
You’ll need/have to make a follow-up/further appointment for + day/month
Don’t worry! You won’t feel a thing. (Beware! This is often a lie and the doctor proceeds to do something painful to you.)
You may/might feel a little prick (now)….(You will! The doctor inserts a needle in you)

Health idioms:

I’m feeling a bit off colour – poorly
under the weather
in bad shape
as right as rain
back on my feet
in the best of health
full of beans
as fit as a fiddle
out of sorts
off colour
not (feeling) the greatest/that great – classic British understatement. In fact, you probably feel…bloody awful!

Doctor jokes

Patient- Doctor, doctor. Everyone keeps ignoring me.
Doc- Next!

Patient- Doctor, doctor. Can you advise me about condoms for family planning, please?
Doc- Certainly, sir. There are three sizes: small, medium and liar (mentiroso)!

Patient- Doctor, doctor. As you can see, I have five legs!
Doc- No problem, madam! Just wear these special knickers here – they’ll fit you like a glove.

Patient: Doctor, I think I’m a dog
Doctor: Would you please get off that sofa, sir!

Patient;: Doctor, I have a piece of lettuce coming out of my bum
Doctor: I’m afraid that’s only the tip of the iceberg!

Patient: Doctor, On my bum I’ve got a big bruise that looks like a strawberry
Doctor: I’ll give you some cream to put on it.

Patient: Doctor, doctor, I’ve eaten something that disagrees with me.
Doctor: No you haven’t!

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a los que puedes acceder directamente así como al índice de su contenido.


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