Climate – Clima

What’s the difference between ‘weather’ and ‘climate’?
Weather is what conditions of the atmosphere are over a short period of time, and climate is how the atmosphere “behaves” over relatively long periods of time.

Good weather
Sunny – soleado
The sun is shining, It’s sunny – hace sol
Fine – bueno
Bright, clear – despejado (It’s a lovely day)
To be hot, To be warm – hacer calor
Heatwave – ola de calor (Drought – sequía / flood – inundación)
shade (protection from the sun) – sombra (shadow – the shape or form made by something that blocks out light)
Wind – viento (it’s windy)
Breeze – brisa

Bad weather
Cloud – nube (it’s cloudy – nublado)
Rain – lluvia
It’s raining – está lloviendo
Downpour, shower – aguacero, chaparrón, chubasco
a spell – temporada, rato
Rainbow – arco iris

Richard Of York Gave Battle In Vain – R=red, O=orange, Y=yellow, G=green, B=blue, I=indigo, V=violet

Cool – fresco
chilly – frio (I’m a bit chilly)
It is very cold – hace mucho frío
Dull – gris
Mist, fog – neblina, bruma, niebla (It’s misty, foggy); smog (smoke + fog)
snow – nieve (It’s snowing)
Hail – granizo
Frost – escarcha
Storm – tormenta
Thunder – trueno
Lightning – relámpago, rayo
Damp (NOUN/ADJ.)– húmedo/humedad (con frío)
Humid (NOUN) – húmedo (con calor) ; humidity (ADJ.) – humedad (con calor)
It’s humid – which countries have a humid climate?

Temperature is measured in degrees: it’s 22 degrees C, it’s 78 degrees F. It’s 2 below zero.

boiling, baking, roasting, sweltering – very, very hot
freezing, ice-cold – very, very cold
overcast, a blanket of cloud – nublado

Talking about the weather
Nice day, isn’t it?
What a lovely/beautiful day!
Is it cold out?
What’s the weather like? (What was the weather like?)
Lovely weather for the time of year
Nice weather for ducks!
What’s the forecast for tomorrow? (forecast – predicción, pronóstico)
I’m hot (not XI have heatX), cold, freezing (I’m freezing – me estoy congelando), boiling – estoy hirviendo)
How reliable is the weather forecast? Do you pay attention to it? Do you use an app or get the forecast from the TV/radio?
Predicting extreme weather: tsunamis, hurricanes, typhoons, tornados.

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