Common phrasal verbs you should know:

1. give up (darse por vencido/dejar de) – put it on the top shelf (I’ve given up bread)
2. grow up (crecer) – plants grow, people grow up – Where did you grow up?
3. go on (partir, salir) – I’m going on holiday, on a (business) trip / Where are you going to? I’m going on a trip to Birmingham next month
to go on a date – also ‘seguir’/’continuar – go on, what were you saying? – go on a diet
4. go away (irse fuera) I’m going away for the weekend / Go away! (get lost!) ¡váyase! , ¡lárguese!
5. go out – (salir) – I’m going out for lunch/for a beer – Are you going out this weekend?
6. look forward to (tener muchas ganas de, esperar con ansia) What are you looking forward to?
7. look after (cuidar de) take care of Have you ever looked after anyone’s flat?
8. look up (buscar) look up to (respetar, admirar) Who do you look up to?
9. put up with (tolerar, aguantar) I can’t put up with them any longer, you’ll just have to put up with it I’ve been putting up with the noise during the Fallas festival.
10. turn on/off/up/down (encender, apagar, subir o bajar el volumen de. Turn down is also rechazar) Have you ever turned down a job? I’ve turned down offers to do stuff.
11. take off (quitarse) What’s the custom before you go into a Japanese home?
12. put on (weight, clothes) (ponerse) I’ve put on a lot of weight recently
13. put/write down (apuntar, anotar) You don’t need to put down these phrasal verbs, you can find them at
14. find out (descubrir) Do you know what I found out about Birmingham? Birmingham is home to Cadbury’s Chocolate. George and his brother Richard Cadbury moved their successful chocolate manufacturing business from Bull Street, Birmingham to Bournville in 1879.
15. get rid of (deshacerse de) Is there anything you’d like to get rid of in your flat? – clothes that are too small
16. break up (with) – romper (con), separarse (de) Famous celebrity breakups in 2015: Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner, Britney Spears and Charlie Ebersol, Gwen Stefani and Gavin Rossdale
17. carry on (seguir) – Keep Calm and Carry On was a motivational poster produced by the British government in 1939 in preparation for the Second World War.
2.45 million copies were printed but it was hardly ever displayed. A copy was rediscovered in 2000 and used to market products. Another poster was:
“Your courage, your cheerfulness your resolution will bring us victory.”
18. call back / phone back (devolver la llamada) – If someone’s out or busy you phone them back.
19. get on/off (subirse, abordar, llevarse bien – bajarse) – get in/out (of)
20. run out of (quedarse sin, acabar) run out of the house! I’ve run out of milk, biscuits, bread, phrasal verbs!

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